Super Whistle and Hotch are your Ears Pink?

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JJ got back with breakfast and everyone went back to the room to get ready. Hotch was wearing his usual suit and JJ had on a pair of slacks and a pink cloth blouse. Kay knew they'd be running around all day and it was way to hot for a suit so Hotch is crazy. Kay opted for a nice pair of jeans, her black sneakers and a green cloth T-shirt and tucked it in.

"Kay take this to Rossi, Morgan, and Reid," he tossed her a bag of biscuits that JJ retrieved from the nearby burger king. "Tell them to go talk to the families of the victims and that we're going to the school."

She clicked her heels together and saluted him, "Sir yes sir!" She smiled and bounced out the door. She knocked on the boy's door. Rossi came to the door and let her in. She then found Morgan and Reid passed out. Morgan was laying on the couch but in an upright position and Reid was half on half off the couch with his head practically in Morgan's lap and Morgan was clutching his phone. She laughed.

It's time to put her amazing whistling skills to good use. She whistled so loud she was afraid she'd break a mirror. Morgan jumped and tripped over Reid and they all ended up in a pile of tangled limbs on the floor. She laughed as they attempted to get up and failed.

"Hotch... wanted me... to... tell you to... go talk to the... families," She laughed till she couldn't hardly breathe and they just sat there glaring at her. Kay continued to hyperventilate.

"Your dead newbie," he warned trying to get up.

"Nope!" She threw the food at them and it popped Reid in the face and she bolted out the door.

Once again children, Kay was not looking where she was going. She fell and something caught her before she hit the ground. She looked up to see her handsome boss. Deja Vu much? "Sorry boss." He lifted her up and looked at her amused.

"You know we've known each other for less than forty-eight hours and you've already fallen for me twice."

She gaped at him and laughed,"Oh my gosh, Aaron Hotchner just made a joke!" She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder, "I'm so proud of you." She faked whipping tears of joy from her face.


Kay stopped laughing and placed a hand on his face. "There you go, I knew you had a nice smile. You should use it more often." She removed her hand from his face and she said, "Now let's go catch us a bad guy." She turned and swayed away leaving a red and shocked Aaron Hotchner behind.


Soon after Kay loaded up in the car JJ joined her and now they were just waiting for Hotch.

"Hey what did you do to Hotch?" She asked.

Kay turned to look at her, "What do you mean?"

"I passed him in the hallway and he was all red in the face and even his ears were pink," She explained.

"What makes you think it was me?" Kay asked.

JJ shrugged,"He seems to like you and you're the only one brave enough to say something to him that would make him react that way."

Kay thought about it got a moment and smiled, "I told him he had a nice smile." JJ was about to ask how she got him to smile but before she could Hotch jumped in the car. Kay tried to hide her smile and sat back in her seat and JJ shot back to her seat. Hotch gave them a questioning look.

"Did I miss something?" he asked.

"Nope." Kay smiled. He look at them warily but sighed and started the car.

"Rossi, Morgan, and Reid are going to talk to the families. Were going to swing by the Police Station and let JJ fill them in on what's going on while you and I go to the school," He explained today's agenda as he pulled out and started down the road.

After twenty minutes of JJ and Kay arguing over if Kay should dye her hair black or not-they reached the police station. "Don't dye your hair black Kay it looks amazing brown," she commented before shutting the car door and hurrying off into the station. Her and Hotch drove to the school.

They got out and went inside,"Where's the principal's office?" She asked but Hotch just shrugged.

Kay spotted a little girl with her brown hair up in pigtails and a purple and black Batman backpack.

She... looks like me.

Kay shrugged it off and walked up to the girl, "Excuse me honey what's your name?" She asked and bent down to the girls level.

"I'm sorry I can't talk to strangers," she said with apologetic blue eyes that could melt your heart.

"Oh I understand, but you see, We're with the FBI and we need to find the principal's office." She seemed to think about it a moment before smiling widely and grabbing Kay's hand.

"Okay! My names Alex and I'll take you to the office," she squeaked.

"Thank you, I like your backpack. My names Kay and this is Aaron," She pointed back at Hotch. She used his first name cause they didn't have time to explain why they call him 'Hotch'. They started walking towards the office and she looked at Hotch.

"Hi, I'm Alex." Hotch smiled widely at her.

Enter awwwwwws here.

"I'm Aaron."

Alex turned and smiled at Kay,"He's cute!" she squeaked. Kay laughed.

I know right.

They finally reached the office and went in. "May I help you?" The man asked. Kay let go of Alex's hand and shook the principal's hand.

"Agent Travis and Agent Hotchner with the FBI, we're here investigating the kidnappings."

The man nodded. "Oh, yes it's nice to meet you agents. Alex you better get to your class," he told the girl.

"Yes sir, Mr. Walsh." She scurried off and they turned back to the principal. Kay let Hotch take over the questions while she looked around. His books were arranged from tallest to shortest and he had two separate cups for pencils and pens but other than that nothing screamed, "Crazy child abductor." She turned back to Hotch and Walsh.

"Mr. Walsh, Have you noticed anyone you don't recognize hanging around the school. Were thinking maybe a woman mid to late twenties." Kay asked.

He shook his head,"I'm sorry I haven't noticed anyone but if it was a woman that age then she wouldn't stand out." She nodded and turned to Hotch.

"I'm going to check out the area where the kids get picked up," She said and Hotch nodded. She walked outside and checked out the place. The cars drive in and pick up the kids from where they're all gathered on the sidewalk. They always have teachers present with them so either the captor has something they want or they already know maybe a teacher? Kay zoned out of her surroundings and tried to get in this woman's head. She would've had to have a regular sized car that wouldn't stick out. Scary guys in creepy vans just wouldn't work.

No, this woman looks normal and people know who she is. She's probably quiet but people think she's just a sweet shy girl and they don't think "Child Abductor," when they see her. They need a list of the names of the teachers ASAP. This woman works at this school.

"Find anything?" Kay jumped at the voice behind her. She spun around to see Hotch.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought. But yeah I think she may work here at the school. A child isn't just going to get in a strangers car," She scanned the area. "People think they're just dumb kids but they're all pretty well trained to not talk to strangers and if someone tried to grab them they'd scream bloody murder so they must know the abductor."

Hotch nodded,"Call Garcia and tell her to do background checks on every teacher at the school while I go get a list of the names of kids and teachers."

Kay nodded and turned around to walk to towards the car,"Oh and Kay... I like you hair brown."

Kay smiled and walked off the car. Garcia is gonna flip with all the gossip she had to tell.

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