The Great Escape

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Kay and Gabriella struggled to stay calm as they pretended to be asleep. This was it, if they were gonna escape they were gonna do it now or die trying. Kay focused on keeping her breaths steady and her eyes closed as she heard Mitchell approach the door. He really was stupid to have such a regular schedule. That's why women are more efficient series killers. They don't kill for sexual reason or sadistic pleasure. They kill for a reason like a sniper on a mission.

But there also are a lot less women serial killers so Kay would be out of a job if it weren't for the men. And if she didn't get this job she wouldn't have met Aaron so I guess she should thank the serial killers?


Gabby stirred and Kay quickly grabbed her hand just as the heavy door began to slid open. Mitchell stepped in and placed the food tray on the floor.


He stood back up straight.


He turned around.


Kay squeezed Gabbys hand and they kicked Mitchell's legs out from under him. They jumped up as he flailed onto the floor. Kay ran and pulled Gabby along with her. They ran out and Kay kicked the door open and nearly off its hinges. They were greeted by a lot of trees. Kay looked around her and ran. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins and all she could hear was her heart beating in her ears. One thing stopped her.


She wasn't used to this kind of exercise and was exhausted from the blood loss. She had to stop and catch her breath. "Come on Gabby we've got to get out of here," Kay panted. She took in a deep breath and they look around them. Which way to run? There had to be a road around here somewhere but if they didn't go the right way they could just get in more trouble.


"FBI!" They shouted before Hotch kicked the door down. It literally flew off its hinges like someone had already broken it. They ran in and checked the rooms but no one was there. Blood, tools, towels, food. They were here. The question was where were they now.

"Hotch!" Morgan called as Hotch tried to tear his eyes from the blood.

"What?" He answered. Morgan stood over the door that Hotch had kicked off.

"Some else kicked this door open before us," He looked up at his boss.

"I think Kay escaped."

Hotch couldn't imagine what desperation and adrenaline it must've took for her to kick the door out.

"If she escaped then where is she?" He asked.

He ran his fingers frustratingly through his hair.

"And where's Mitchell?" Morgan added gravelly.

"EVERYONE OUT SEARCHING THESE WOODS NOW! They couldn't have gone far!"

Kay and Gabby ran as fast as they could in any directions they thought best for what seemed like hours. Unfortunately it only felt that way and it had only been about 10 minutes. They were just to wore out from the torture to run much longer. They new if they stopped that Mitchell would find them cause he'd gotten close twice. Unfortunately though, they had to stop. Kay leaned up against a tree and Gabby claimed one a few feet in front of her.

They had a few moments of silence to catch there breaths and then snap.

Someone was near them. They froze in fear. The next thing they new Mitchell slammed Kay's head against a tree. He
cursed wildly at them and he started tying Kay up. "GABBY RUN! RUN AND FIND AARON HOTCHNER!" Kay screamed.

"I CAN'T LEAVE YOU WITH HIM!" Gabby screamed.

"AARON! AARON!" Kay screamed desperately fighting Mitchell off. Then something happened that she'd never forget. It was like magic. As her consciousness began to fade she heard a loud, "FBI!" And a gunshot. Then Mitchell was gone and replaced by a handsome but worried face.

"Kay? Are you alright?" Hotch pulled her close and into his arms. She smiled weakly and hugged into him.

"I knew you'd save me," Kay whispered and everything went dark.

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