Emotions and Tears She didn't Want Shed

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The team gathered in the conference room but this time Hotch stood in the corner-not sitting next to her. That's the second time he's done that. Kay shrugged it off.

"Three victims. First is Cameron Collins then Sally Parson and last is Deanna Raven. All were tortured and stabbed and dumped in a dumpster."

JJ clicked her remote and the picture of three women popped up on the screen. They didn't look anything alike except they all had brown hair. Deanna had green eyes, Cameron had blue eyes and Sally had brown eyes.

They all were slightly athletic looking like they were constantly on the go but manage to find time to work out.

"They're all working women of power or authority. Sally was a CEO at a High-power bank. Cameron was a rich working woman who owned several men's apparel stores. And Deanna was actually an FBI agent who was working her way to the top." That left an unsettling chill in the air. All of those women couldn't be very far from Kay and JJ's age. And the unsub targeted FBI agents...

"From the distance of time between attacks we estimated that he would take another girl in forty eight hours."

We all turned to Hotch who now had emerged from his corner.

"Wheels up in thirty."

Thirty minutes later they were in the air on the way to Kansas. Just for the irony of it Kay decided to listen to her Kansas album (Seriously the best band ever) with her favorite song Carry on my Wayward Son.

After a while Kay decided to go up to the cockpit and talk to Colin, the teams pilot. He was really awesome and he listened really well to whatever ranting Kay needed to get off her chest. She climbed into the co-pilot seat and he smiled at her. "Whats up 007?" He asked using the nickname he'd recently bestowed upon her.

She laughed, "Oh you know catching psychopaths same old same old. What about you Murdock?" She asked using his nickname.

She'd given him the nickname after they found out they had a mutual love for the old 80's show The A-Team. And even though Murdock was her favorite she let him have the nickname since he was the one who could fly. He even called her Face from time to time.

"Ah well there isn't much to do but sit up here and try not to crash us all. But if you've got a sec I could tell you about my date with Cindy." That got her attention. She'd been trying to help out her favorite pilot ever by hooking him up with a pretty girl. She found said pretty girl working in the DNA testing lab at the FBI. Cindy Mason was absolutely perfect for him. They sat there and chatted and Colin went into all the adorable hand-holding details of his date that she'd set up. If this FBI thing didn't work out for her then she could definitely start an online dating service.

After all, dealing with other people's love lives is a lot easier than dealing with her own.

Someone knocked on the door and opened it. Reid stuck his shaggy haired head in. "Hey we're gonna go over the case again."

She nodded and gave Colin's a fist bump before running her fingers through and messing up Reid's hair. "Get a hair cut Reid," she said and squeezed past him and through the door. She threw him a grin over her shoulder at his grumbling. But she wasn't watching where she was going and ran smack into Hotch's chest. Luckily she didn't fall this time. She just turned extremely red and mumbled an apology. She squeezed past him and sat down by Rossi and across from Morgan.

"Woah what happened Travis. Why're you so red?" Morgan asked in that annoyingly nosey way of his.

She instinctively put her hand over her cheek and mumbled, "Nothing."

Hotch came back in and his ear were slightly pink as well. He acted like it was nothing and she hoped no one noticed. But the look exchanged between Rossi and Morgan told her that they noticed and they were already trying to come up with theories. The smirks on their faces also told her that they were probably going to ask her about it later.

Note to self: Avoid Rossi and Morgan at all cost.

Hotch was definetly ignoring her and she was going to do something about it. But she was not going to chase after him if he didn't want her. She wasn't a stupid school girl with a crush and she didn't grovel for a guy.

"Okay so we land in half an hour," Hotch said. "Rossi, Morgan, and Travis can go talk to the families."

Kay did a double take. Hotch hardly ever called her by her last name but when he did it was only when they were in public. Did he not realize how obviously he was distancing himself? He was the best profiler Kay knew but he couldn't profile himself. Rossi, Morgan, and JJ sent a quizzical look her way. Even Reid furrowed his brows like he just heard something that didn't make sense. "Reid, JJ and I are going to go to the Police Station and set up," He continued,"Travis can I talk to you?"

Kays blood pressure spiked. He called her by her last name. She nodded and followed him into the hallway. "Do you have a problem?" he asked. His tone was a little to accusing for her liking.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"You seem very distracted and I can't have you being emotional when it comes down to the line." Kay felt like she'd been slapped. How dare he accuse her of being emotional? He's the one being moody and distancing himself from her.

"No. I don't have a problem Agent Hotchner," She put a stern look on her face and poked him in the chest.

"But I could ask you the same question. You've been moody and distant and more stoic than usual. I don't care if you fire me for saying this but you're being a hypocritical idiot. You may have everyone else fooled into thinking that you don't have emotions but not me. So don't come fussing at me about my problems when you need to fix your own." She could tell by the look on his face that she struck a nerve.

At the moment she didn't care. She was madder than a poked bear. And she was frustrated 'cause she probably sounded stupid because her accent always got stronger with she was mad. Her face was even redder than before but it was obviously from anger now and not because she was flustered. She stormed out of the hall through the seats where the rest of their team was sitting and into the bathroom.

She locked the door and slid down it till she hit the floor. She pressed her back against the door and layed her head back against it. She hated yelling at people especially the people the cared about and she hated yelling at Hotch more so than most. A single tear rolled down her face.

No Kay you promised yourself you wouldn't cry over boys. Ever.

She laughed at herself. All of the reserve she had towards boys and her emotions, were just wiped away. All these years and many boyfriends later now she was crying. Over one guy who wasn't even her boyfriend. She took a deep breath and stood up. She turned on the water and washed off her now only slightly pink face. She dried off her face as she heard the call to buckle up- time to land.

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