I'm Ignoring You Ya Idiot!

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So yes Kay and Morgan were belting out to Taylor Swifts Shake It Off. So what? The funny part was that Rossi knew the song. He mumbled somethings about having girl cousins or something but you couldn't really hear him over Morgan and Kay. Now they were facetiming Garcia and she was singing too so it was about the most awesome thing ever. Their little musical lasted all the way back to the Police Station. They had already talked to the other families but none of them knew much. They made it back to the Police Station and said goodbye to Garcia.

Kay might have put Hotch's number on the Internet but that goes with saying. Morgan opened the door for her as they went in and luckily Hotch saw it. She resisted the urge to smirk.
"We talked to the families and I've got Deana's diary so Reid you might wanna look at this and see if you get anything," Kay handed Reid the book. He of course immediately started reading it at a ridiculously fast pace. It was seriously scary how smart he was.

"Okay so the Unsub seems to be attacking seemingly successful young women who were going somewhere in life," Rossi said.

"Maybe he feels like their a threat to his power or manly hood. There could've been a woman in his life that made him feel inferior and now he wants to get it back," Kay offered.

"Kay's right but it could also be a hate crime against women he feels don't deserve a place of authority," JJ said.

"That's true but if he was trying to strip them of what he feels they don't deserve wouldn't he rape them as well? Take their power and the womanhood?" Kay asked.

"Yeah, I don't know... he might not be able to rape them. He could be impotent," Rossi pointed out.

"Those are all good theories but we need more, another woman just went missing, Gabriela Angel. She was another FBI agent," Hotch said. My stomach churned. Why was he targeting FBI?

Kay breathed,"That's two FBI agents... Is he taunting us or has he found his type? His women of ultimate power?" No one had the answer for that. If he's targeting FBI now then this just got personal and people are gonna start freaking out. We've got to find this girl.

Hotch's phone rang. "Hello?" He furrowed his brows and his face turned red. "What? No and you've got the wrong number! Yes, you and a thousand others today! What do you mean it's on the Internet?"

Uh. Oh. His eyes widened in realization and he looked at Kay. She did her best not to smile and cleared her throat before calmly walking away. "Kay!" She ran.


"Yeah PG what've you got?" Kay asked.

"First of all... How did the Hotch prank go?"

 Kay laughed.

"You should have seen his face! I thought he might strangle me on the spot!" Penelope giggled.

"Okay so I've been thinking and I was wondering ya know since the guy your looking for is mostly targeting FBI agents then maybe he could be working in the building as like a receptionist or something so I'm going through everyone's records. Nothing yet but I'l hit you back if I find something," She said.

"Alright good job talk to you later," Kay hung up. I texted Rossi the info and put my phone back in my pocket. Her phone vibrated.

We're giving the profile. Hotch wants to talk to you. He says meet him in the conference room. -Rossi

Great. She texted Rossi back that she was on her way and she started back towards the FBI building. Once she got there she quickly made her way to the elevator. She started tapping her fingers out of nervousness. She scoffed, this was like her first day. Nervously tapping her fingers in the elevator waiting to meet the boss. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. She took a deep breath and walked out. She turned towards the conference room and you saw him. He was staring at the evidence board probably using his great brain to deduce what was going on.

Kay opened the door and shut it behind her. "A little Italian birdie said that you wanted to speak with me," She said.

He turned around, "Yes, I wanted to apologize for my bluntness earlier. I realize that you are ignoring me because of it and that means I hurt you."

She rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Don't profile me Hotch."

"Your taping your fingers again because you're nervous and uncomfortable and now you're getting defensive," he said.

She couldn't believe this. He was profiling her. She bit her lip and laughed. "Yeah Hotch I am uncomfortable and of course I'm ignoring you, ya idiot!"

"Next thing you'll probably say is 'Oh now she's yelling which is conformation of what I said' We'll congratulations Hotchner your right again. Does that make you happy? Always being right?" He stared at her.

"I've got a profile for you Mr. Know It All, You push people away because you're afraid to get hurt again but you can't do that forever Hotch. You can't keep hurting the people that like you just so you don't have to feel!" She knew she was crying 'cause she could feel it on her face.

"I know your favorite color is blue and you prefer red wine to white and I know that you love your son more than anything in the world...," Kay sighed and put her hand on the door handle. "But Aaron Hotchner I also know that you're a jerk," She glared one last time and exited. She noticed the others watching her.

"I'm going for a walk call me if you need me." With that she ran out the building.

HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Don't forget to ask me questions.

QOTD: What was the last book you read?

AOTD: The Maze Runner


You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now