⋈ 7. The Chase ⋈

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the beast that comes up out of the abyss,
will make war with them,
and overcome them,
and kill them


Elena sat in her quarters, a metallic shock blanket draped over her shoulders

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Elena sat in her quarters, a metallic shock blanket draped over her shoulders.

The past few hours had been rife with shouting and tears - on both ends. Madison and Elena at odds with Emma and the Controller. If not for their irreplaceable abilities, she was sure he would've ordered them shot dead. After being dropped back into the cramped dorms in the ship by an oddly sullen Regulator, Elena and Madison had been alone for what felt like ages.

The kid sat alone on her cot, facing a wall with her knees drawn up to her chest. She could only imagine what was going through her mind. Madison hadn't spoken much since Antarctica, but no one on the ship were exactly in a talking mood after...that.

It was painful to think about. Though she had been put under for a majority of the ordeal, she had spent nearly all of it wrestling with the split consciousness of a megalomaniacal dragon, trying with all her might not to get swallowed by their all-encompassing will. If control was nearly impossible with the titans she encountered in the past, it was unthinkable with them.

Then there was her mother, Emma, who had been escorted out of the room by the Controller's men a while ago. Her excuse was that she needed to make "tweaks" to the ORCA, but she doubted that. It was still hard for Elena to understand what exactly went down back at the base (even after both side's admittedly biased explanations) but from what she could gather, there had been some sort of betrayal. Madison's attitude said that much. And from the way that scaly bastard was acting after their release, she doubted anything good could come from that ORCA. She scowled.

That was another problem entirely. The Controller had said they only wanted to "take back their property" but they seemed to be doing the opposite. They were following them - that monster - from a safe distance. Though, there was no such thing in Elena's mind.

She could still hear them, their cackling. They weren't exactly the happiest about their welcoming party, but their giddiness over their newfound freedom  wasn't comforting either. Anything that made that thing feel the slightest hint of joy was bound to be something awful for everyone else. Before Madison's intervention, she had just begun to glimpse their forms manifesting within the headspace, adorned with lightning and sickly yellow storm clouds. The image of their eyes - burning with malice and staring at her like she was some sort of plaything - would be branded in the back of her mind for the rest of her life.

"Do you..um," Madison shifted in her seat, turning to look at Elena. "You knew what that place was, right?"

She knew she wasn't talking about Outpost 32. She nodded. "I'm sorry you had to experience it like that." She looked down at her hands, at the lines that ran through her palms. "If done right, it can be amazing. Beautiful, even."

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