Chapter six: Pepper

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Peter's POV

We worked all night on the suit. Part of the suit was already set up so the only thing we actually had to do was work was the electronics in the suit. And that was pretty easy. So we got around half of it done in that night. I'm so excited to try it on! Well whenever Mr. Stark gives it to Spider-Man of course.

That next morning I woke up to a call at about 6:00. Who would be calling me this early.

I check the caller ID and it says Tony Stark. Oh he's probably just tying to wake- Oh, wait. He doesn't have Peter Parker's number. He only has Spider-Mans. This has to be strictly business. So I answer the call, putting on my voice modifier that I put in my suits.

"Hello Tony." I say through my phone.

"Hey, I have a favor to ask. It's a bit big, but I have someone that needs training, in the self defense section." Tony says. Who is he trying to get trained- oh, OH, he wants me to train me!

"I'm sorry Tony, but I don't really have time for that kind of stuff. I have business to deal with, and surprisingly being Spider-Man doesn't bring in too much cash. I also have family and a personal life. Again, I'm sorry Tony, I wish I could." I say to him, I've had that answer glued to my brain just in case he ever asked a question like that.

"It's alright, I should have thought about you having a personal life. I have others I can ask, just wanted one of the bests. But hey, could you swing by later? I have a little something for you." Tony asks. Omg! He's gonna give me the suit! AND he said that I was one of the bests!!! Best. Morning. Ever.

"I'm busy for the rest of the weekend, but I can come by maybe Monday or Tuesday. I'll se when I can. Either way I wish I could help. But I gotta go." I say back.

"Alright, See you." Tony says as he hangs up.

Tony's POV

Well that sucks. I was really hoping Spider-Man could train Peter. But I think I have another spider in mind. So I hit her up.

"What do you want Tony? You're lucky I was awake." Nat says over the phone.

"I've got a favor to ask. I want you to train this kid I have. Nothing much just some self defense. He's getting bullied at school and it also wouldn't be bad to know for living in New York." I say, if she new the kid she would say yes immediately.

"As fun as that sounds, I really don't want to be training some snotty kid- wait, how do you even know a kid? Like you, with kids?" She questioned.

"He's my intern. And he came here last night with a nasty black eye. And he said that it's been happening for a while. I just want to make sure I don't have to beat up some Sophomore. Also I can assure you, he's not some snotty brat." I say reassuringly.

"Alright, let me meet the kid then I'll make the decision. He must be some kid if you want to help him willingly."

"Trust me, you'll like him. And thank you."

"Wow, and a thank you? You must really like him."

"You have no idea. Bye Nat."

"I'll be there at 5:00. Bye." She says as she ends the call.

Alright, time to go wake up Pete, I know it's early but Pepper is making pancakes. And I really want him to meet Pepper anyways. I can't have my favorite intern not know the boss.

I walk up to his door and knock.

"Hello?" I hear a little voice call out. He's already awake?

"Hey Pete, it's me. I know it's early but it's time to get up. I want you to meet someone and that someone is making pancakes." I say as I hear shuffling. I hear footsteps and then the door opens. He's standing there with Iron Man pajamas. Adorable.

"Amazing pj's by the way." I say with a big grin and a chuckle.

"Ha ha. Aunt May got them for me as a joke." He says in a annoyed tone.

"Anyways, who am I meeting and let me change first." He says already looking embarrassed wearing pajamas in front of me. Even though he's slept here many of times, though he's always slept in just regular pajamas pants and whatever shirt he was wearing.

"It's a surprise and nope, no time to change." I say while pushing him into the hallway.

"But! Mr. Stark, I need to change, you can't just have me wear my pajamas to meet someone new. First impressions Mr. Stark!" He says struggling as I laugh. He finally gives in and we make it into the kitchen.

Pepper turns around and giggles. "I love your pajamas." She says as Peter turns as red as a tomato.

"Miss Potts! Oh my! I'm so sorry for my appearance. Someone, wouldn't let me change." He says as he glares at me. I can't be upset at that, he looks like a puppy. So I just laugh and smile back.

"It's alright. I'm guessing you're Peter? I've been waiting a while to meet Tony Stark's famous intern. He talk a lot about you." She says as she sets the pancakes on the counter.

"He has? What's so interesting about me?" He asks genuinely. He really doesn't think that he's not amazing huh?

"Well from what I'm told, you're extremely smart, kind, and lovable." She says as she takes a pancake.

Peter blushes and starts. "Oh I don't think that I'm-" until I cut him off.

"Come on, you're the smartest kid I know and I haven't met one person that doesn't like you." I say genuinely.

"Well thank you Mr. Stark." He says while his cheeks slowly go back to their original color as he takes a pancake.

"So Peter, do you have any siblings? Did your parents have any more kids?" She asks. Oh no, I should have told her more.

"Oh, no. My parents are dead." Peter says bluntly as Pepper chokes on her food from being surprised.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Peter, who do you live with, if you don't mind me asking?" She asks.

"My Aunt and Uncle took me in. But my Uncle passed away recently." He says so casually if he has this conversation everyday, well to be fair, he probably has to have it often.

Peter then sees that Pepper has a sad and sympathetic look and says "Oh! Please, it's all right Miss Potts, really. I'm fine." with a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry Peter, I didn't mean to bring it up, or get all emotional." Pepper says when she sees that Peter is alright.

"No, it's alright. Don't feel bad." He says with a warm smile.

"You know I see what Tony means, you really do have a tendency of growing on people." She says with a smile.

"Alright, yada yada, lets get past this sappy stuff. So, you got any plans for today Pep?" I ask as she gives me a look.

"Yes, I have many meetings, and so do you. You have one at 5:00." She says as she looks over to Peter as if to say 'What are you gonna do with him?'

"Don't worry, I have something planned." I whisper to her, Pete is clearly starring off into space so I know he's not listening.

After breakfast Peter left to get dressed, he's got a busy day ahead of him.


1285 words.

Thanks for reading :)

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm pushing out chapters. Also sorry if I'm going slow, but thanks for reading!!! Luv u

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