Chapter nine: Secret Spilled

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Peter's POV

I woke up the next day at around 9:00. Finally I got to sleep in. I woke up took a shower and got dressed. I then headed to the kitchen to find Pepper and Natasha talking while Mr. Stark made a big batch of scrambled eggs.

"Hello Peter." Mrs. Stark said. Wait? Mrs. Stark? Miss Potts? What do call her?

"Hey Mrs. Stark."

"What's up kid." Mr. Stark says.

"Hey Mr. Stark." I say back.

"Hey Peter." Nat says.

"Hey-" I start until Mr. Stark cuts me off.

"Wait, get this Pep. What do you call Nat?" Me. Stark says with a look.

"Oh, I call her Auntie Tasha." I say as Nat smirks.

"So unfair. I'm Mrs. Stark and she gets to be Auntie Tasha." Mrs. Stark says as I giggle and Mr. Stark rolls is eyes.

"I know right." Mr. Stark says.

"Well then what do you want to be called?" I ask Mrs. Stark.

"At least call me Pepper. Then we can work our way up." She says to me with a wink.

"Alright Mrs.- I mean um Pepper." I say with a big smile.

"So unfair." Mr. Stark says.

"Well, they asked me to call them differently early on. Now I'm used to calling you Mr. Stark. My brain won't let me change it." I say to him as Nat and Pepper chuckle.

"What ever kid." He says with a see through attitude.

"Alright, eat up." Mr. Stark says as he serves up the eggs on four plates.

"Thank you Mr. Stark." I say as he grins.

"No problem kiddo." Mr. Stark says.

"So, what are we working on today?" I ask him.

"I was thinking we could put the final touches on the Spider-Man suit." Mr. Stark says as my eyes light up and Natasha winks at me.

"Awesome." I say back, trying to act cool.

We ended up finishing breakfast and then heading straight to the lab.

"So what do you want me to work on Mr. Stark?" I ask.

"I want you to work on putting Karen, that's Spider-Mans AI, into the coding. It shouldn't be too hard." He says as he works on putting the electronics into the suit.

I laugh and he says, "I know right? What kind of name is Karen?" With a playful eye roll.

"No, I get it. Like from Sponge Bob." I say as he gives me a confused look.

"You've never watched Sponge Bob?" I ask frantically.

"Do I look like I'm ten years old Peter?" He asks as he rolls his eyes again.

"Well, no. But to make a long story short, Karen is Planktons wife. And in the show Karen is a computer." I say as he looks even more confused.

"How would a computer work under water?" He asks.

"Don't ask me for the logistics. But trust me. It's funny." I say as he laughs and gets back to work.

After around three hours of work and finishing the suit he checks his watch.

"It's almost 1:00. I got to get ready for a meeting later or else Pepper will have my head." He says as he cleans up.

"Aw." I say as I pick up.

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