Chapter twenty-four: Sick pt. 2

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Peter's POV

After laying in bed for around another hour and a half I check the clock by my bed, it's 11:30.

Lunch should be almost ready right? Either way I need to walk around, move my legs. I stand up and put on one of Wade's hoodies, smelling it in the process, gosh I love the smell of him. I then drape a blanket around my shoulders while shivering, gosh it's cold in here.

I walk out of my room and down the hallway, I see Benji and Goose laying on the floor in the living room. Pet them and then lay on the couch picking up my book that I left on the side table. I try to read it but I just can't focus, so I put it down and just close my eyes.

"Peter?" I hear a voice call out to me. I open my eyes and see Steve standing a little bit away from the couch.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" He asks as he walks over and feels my forehead and cheek with the back of his hand.

"Gosh you're burning up, do you want me to turn the air down?" He asks as I sit up and shake my head.

"No, it's actually pretty cold, and I needed to walk around a bit. And I was trying to read but I just couldn't focus." I say as he nods.

"Ah yes, I notice that you have a hoodie on now. Wasn't your friend wearing that the other day? If it's his we'll have to wash it before we give it back so he doesn't get sick." Steve says as I just chuckle, which makes him look confused.

"Yeah it's his, but he definitely doesn't mind. I'm constantly stealing his hoodies, they're bigger and they smell like him." I say as I start to daydream as he looks even more confused.

"So you won't be giving it back to your friend?" He asks I chuckle again. How has he not figured out that we are dating yet?

Steve just smirks and asks "Alright apparently I'm missing out on something, what's so funny?"

"Well you just keep saying fiend."

"And that's funny how?" He asks so innocently.

"Well Wade's not just my friend. He's my boyfriend." I say as Steve raises his eyebrows and looks a little shocked. But then quickly hides it and I can tell that he's mentally cursing himself.

"Oh, yeah. I don't know how I didn't see that." He says as I just laugh.

"It's alright Mr. Steve." I say as he just grins.

"I guess I can see it now. He was always very protective over you." He says as I tilt my head.

"He is?" I ask as Steve sits down on the opposite side from me.

"Yeah, he is. But I guess you wouldn't know because anytime I have talked to him you are either asleep or not there." He says as I chuckle.

"Care to give me an example?" I ask as he just chuckles.

"Well lets say the first time I saw you both, the day I came back. You were asleep on him and when the elevator dinged him and Nat immediately pulled out their guns. And even after Nat put hers away he kept his up. Until Nat made him put his down. Which why does he have a gun anyways?" He says, titling his head as he asks the last part.

"Well first of all that is adorable that he would do that. Second of all it's just a safety precaution." I say as he still looks confused but let it go.

"So I'm guessing you're used to that kind of stuff huh? Like people always having guns, missions and stuff like that? You know since you live with Tony." He says as I chuckle a bit. It's crazy how little he knows but how much he does at the same time.

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