Chapter twenty-seven: Shake Hands or Whatever

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Peter's POV

After changing into some workout clothes I run down to the gym.

To my surprise I see Clint and Nat in their suits.

"Where's the suit spidey?" Clint asks with a sort of confused look.

I just smirk at him and tap my wrists together. On both of my wrists are sleek vibranium bracelets that when you double tap them together the suit forms around my body. They are impossible to take off unless I or Tony choose too. If you didn't know what they were then you would think that they are just bracelets.

Clint's just scoffs and says "Show off." While Tony looks a bit proud and everyone else looks impressed.

"Alright, so what should we do first?" I ask as Clint gets an idea.

He immediately shoots an arrow at me and I catch it, centimeters away from my nose.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that." I say with a smirk as everyone looks a bit shocked.

"Just testing out that spidey sense of yours." He says as I walk up to him and give him his arrow.

"We should do hand to hand combat, and then we can work our way to to using any special abilities." Nat says as me and Clint agree.

All three of us fight against each other. Nat of course wins the first round because it was only hand to hand.

After the first round we started to use stuff like weapons, so I, of course, was able to web down Clint pretty early on in the fight.

I then moved onto Nat. She is a lot quicker but she still wasn't able to dodge my webs. I web her feet and pulled her legs out front under her. I then webbed her down and claimed my victory.

"Yeah, yeah, it's just cause you have those special powers." Clint says sounding playfully annoyed as I help them out. My Spider senses go off and I can tell someone's watching me.

I look over and see Steve, Bucky, and Sam watching from the observation glass. Thank Thor I had my mask on.

"They are watching us again." I say to Nat in Russian as she looks at the glass and sighs.

"Tony, they saw us train. But he has his mask on so if you talk to them don't give it away." She says Tony in French while using a warning.

Tony's POV

So apparently Cap and his goons were watching Peter train with Nat and Clint.

Luckily he had his mask on, which usually isn't the case.

Me, Nat, and Clint walk over to them. After me motioning for Peter to stay.

"We don't want to start anything. We just came down to train and saw Spider-Man training. We were just curious." Steve says back.

"I was wondering if we could meet him. I mean, it would be nice to know who is roaming around the city all of the time." Sam says as me, Clint, and Nat shake our heads at the same time.

"That's gonna be a no." I say back.

"Why not? We just wanna talk to him." Steve says back as Nat sighs.

"Trust me Steve, you gotta let this one go." Nat says to him as he sighs.

"Why can't we just ask him-" Steve starts until we all look into the room and see that he's gone.

I smirk to myself a little bit, this kids gonna be the death of me.

"Where the hell did he go?" Sam says as me and Nat just shrug, while grinning at each other.

Peter's POV

Almost as soon as Tony, Clint, and Nat went to talk to the others I hopped out the window. Luckily the training room has windows that you can open, mainly for better ventilation.

I jump out of the window and swing down to the private entrance, before they even notice one gone.

I head into the elevator and press the button to the floor with my room. Luckily the private elevators don't have cameras, so I double tap my wrists and my suit leaves my body.

I reach the floor and go straight to my room, which I then take a shower. After that I put on the clothes I had on before I trained. While admiring the smell of Wade's hoodie.

I leave the room and head to the living room. I lay down on the couch and Goose jumps up on my chest while Benji lays on my legs. I put in my headphones and play on my phone.

I see Tony and the others walk in, not knowing I'm in there, arguing about something.

What ever it is, it's not my business. So I just turn my volume up on my phone while I play with Goose.

I'm just petting his head and scratching his ears as I wait for it to die down. Eventually Steve storms off and Tony comes and sits down in the chair next to me.

I take out my head phones and ask "Is it all clear?"

"Yeah, sorry about that." He says with a sigh.

"It's alright. It's not like you planned for all of that to happen."

"Well, he said that he wants to meet the 'mask vigilante'. And that if I don't introduce you to Steve then he'll take it into his own hands. As in he'll look for you while you're on patrol." Tony says as I sit up.

"So, what are you saying? All I gotta do is shake hands with him and whatever." I say back.

"Yeah basically. So I gotta make a meeting time. I was thinking 5:00 tomorrow. So let's say you leave as Peter at 12:00 and go hang out with like Ted or someone. Then come back, spider it up, then leave and come back like and hour later. Just so it isn't suspicious." He says as I nod.

"First off, it's Ned. And second that sounds like a good plan." I say back as he smiles.

"Awesome, thanks for helping me out. I know it's probably not the ideal situation for you." He says back.

"No, no it's fine. It was probably gonna happen eventually." I say back.

"Alright, well me and Rhodey have some stuff to go over. So you're free for the day I guess." He says as he stands up.

"Sounds good." I say as he walks away.

I immediately jump up and dial Wade's number, I know exactly who I want to spend my day with tomorrow. I have to go somewhere where no one can hear me though. So I go to my favorite spot, the roof.

I go up there and press call. After two rings he answers.

"Hey baby boy, is everything alright?" He asks as I chuckle a bit.

"Yeah, everything is perfect. But I gotta be out of the tower for a bit tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." I ask as I can practically hear him smiling.

"Of course! What time?" He asks.

"Around twelve. Then I gotta leave to go back at around 4:45 and then come back for another hour or two at like 5:30." I say back.

"That sounds perfect. How about we go out to eat and then see a movie?" He asks as my face lights up.

"That's sounds amazing DP. I can't wait."

"Me either pumpkin, I'll see you tomorrow." He says back.

"See you then." I say and we hang up and I head back down stairs.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting to say the least.


1275 words

Sorry for the short chapter my dudes. I'll try to update faster with longer chapters next time. It's been a bit of a busy week. Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it. Luv U ♥️

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