Chapter seven: Auntie Tasha

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Natasha's POV

I arrive at the tower at exactly 5:00. I entered through the private entrance and made my way up. I can't wait to meet this kid, but I mean, it's not like I don't know everything about him already.

I walk up and see a kid sitting on the couch reading a book, he doesn't even notice me sit on the couch next to him.

"Hello Peter." I say as he jumps up from his spot and looks at me.

"Oh my gosh! Black Widow!" He says as he sticks out his hand. I take it and stand up.

"Nice to meet you Peter."

"How do you know my name?" He asks.

"Me and Tony had talked earlier."

"Ok, that's cool." He says with a huge smile. I can see why Tony likes him.

"So, I was sent to train you, help you with self defense." I say as his eyes light up.

"Really? You? I get to get trained by The Black Widow?" He asks.

"Yes, Tony wanted the best. But as I see it, you don't really need training do you? But Tony doesn't know that." I say as I see him tense up.

"What do you mean?" He says suddenly loosing his joyfulness and replacing it with suspicion.

"Well, I've done a lot of research on you Peter, and I may have found out something about you. Or should I say about Spider-Man?" I say as he tenses up and narrows his eyes.

"How did you find out." He asks.

"You're talking to a secret assassin. I could find out anything about anyone." I say as he stiffens up.

"And what are you gonna do with this information?"

"Nothing. If you want to keep your identity a secret I'm going to respect that." I say as he eases up.

"Thank you Ms. Romanov. I really appreciate it." He says going back to himself.

"It's no problem kid. But how about you tell me about this bully of yours, and don't leave out any details or I will find out." I say as he sighs and sits down.

"Fine, he's been bullying me since middle school, it didn't start out physical but over the couple of years it got bad. But now that I have my boyfriend he's kind of backed off. But the yesterday Wade wasn't there and he attacked me."

"First off, I can tell that you no longer have a black eye. I'm surprised Tony didn't comment on it. And second off, who's this Wade? I need a last name. You say he's your boyfriend?" I say, as if this kid couldn't get any more adorable.

"Yes, Wade. He's kinda a lot more popular and buff then I am so he Flash listens to him, he's probably the only person Flash will listen to." Peter says as he lays down on the couch. I don't think he realizes that he did. He is now laying down with his head in my lab. He realizes that did and immediately jumps up.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize." He says with red cheeks.

"It's fine Peter, please lay back down. I want to hear all about this Wade." I say as he smiles and lays back down.

"Well Wade's full name is Wade Wilson." He says as it clicks in my mind.

"Wait, you're dating Deadpool?" I say.

"How did you know?" He looks up at me from my lap.

"He's in the Shield data base." I say back.

"Well then yeah, I am. But we just found out that we were both super people. It was weird, we had crushes on each other. Deadpool and Spider-Man had a crush on each other and Wade and Peter had a crush on each other." He says as I chuckle.

"That is adorable." I say as he grins. My hand somehow finds its way in his brown curls as he closes his eyes.

"Thank you. I think he would love to hear that. He really is amazing. You know, he walks me here every day. He's so cute. I only found out he was Deadpool because Wade gave me his number after he stuck up for me against Flash and then it was already in my phone. It was so funny. We were at school and I had to drag him to the bathroom and tell him. He was so shocked, but in a way we were both relieved. So we could date our crushes without feeling guilty. Yah know?" He says with his eyes still closed. He stifles out a yawn. Adorable.

"Yeah. You know I'll have to meet this Wade. To make sure I approve." I say. Am I really already attached to this kid? He just chuckles.

"I think you would. He's amazing and makes me happy. Oh! Miss Romanov, do you think you can cover for me tonight so I can go patrol with him? Pretty please?" He says with his big brown doe eyes. How can I say no to that?

"Fine. But I get to meet him. Both of you guys can swing by. Also you have to stop calling me Miss Romanov." I say as he smiles from ear to ear.

"Awesome! He'll be so surprised. I told him I couldn't patrol till Monday. I can't go out when I stay here. Mr. Stark would probably find out. Also, what do you want to be called?" He asks as he yawns.

"How about Auntie Tasha?" I say, that's what Clint's kids call me.

"Auntie Tasha it is." He says through a yawn.

"So what does Mr. Stark think that we are doing?" He asks.

"He thinks I'm teaching you hand to hand combat. That reminds me, why don't you stick up for yourself?" I ask.

"Well, I couldn't before my powers, so I shouldn't now." He says as he looks up to me.

"That's wise of you Peter but you should at least defend yourself. Alright?"

"Alright." He says.

"Promise me Peter."

"I promise Auntie Tasha. Haha Wade already made me promise him that too." He says as his eyes get heavy.

"Well Wade sounds like a good guy."

"He really is." Peter says as he's fighting sleep.

"It's alright Peter, go to sleep. I'll wake you up later so you can patrol." I say with a grin as he falls asleep.

I guess Tony was right, he is a good kid.


1070 words.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry for the shorter chapter, I just wanted to introduce Nat and give you some fluff. :)

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