Chapter 7

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I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and when the pain of my left eye met my hand, I realized where I was—and reality again came flooding back.

I was in a van with three psychotic abductors.

Oh, God. The pain flooded back to me. My right hand was still handcuffed to the side, and my wrist felt very bruised and sore.

The light was so bright in the van, such a contrast from last night, and I couldn't exactly focus on who or what was in the van at first. I so badly wanted to go back to sleep. I was drowsy from the Valium, but once the anxiety slipped in, I couldn't fall back to sleep.

"Good morning."

I focused my eyes at the sound and could see Tyler across the van from me, also lying down. He looked like he just woke up as well. I looked around for the other perps and found Dan driving and James in the passenger seat. It was pretty bold of them to leave only one man in the back with me, but then I remembered the handcuffs. I wasn't going anywhere.

"Guess who's awake, guys?" Tyler hollered to the front.

James twisted around to look at me. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

They spoke as if I was a friend, not as a hostage they just ripped away from her promising life. This was so surreal. I didn't know what the appropriate response was. I slept wonderfully. Thanks for asking. I decided the safest response was no response.

We were still driving, and it felt like we were on some freeway. I felt so woozy from the Valium. James unbuckled his seat belt, climbed into the back, and took out a bagel, an individual-sized package of cream cheese, and a drink.

"You must be famished," James said. "You haven't eaten in over a day."

He handed me the food and orange juice. I only stared at it.

"Come on, sweetheart, sit up and eat."

He nudged me, helping me sit up. I was finally hungry, but I didn't dare eat it.

"You like bagels. Breakfast of champions, you know."

I suddenly felt flushed and unable to breathe. I often said "breakfast of champions." And I did love bagels.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Let's just say I know quite a bit about you, Corrine."

James was giving me that look again. The look of confidence and reassurance, as if he was confiding in me, and I should trust him. He gave me a half-grin that would've been handsome in another lifetime.

"You do? How?" I asked, trying to mask the panic.

James took a deep breath and sat down beside me. He took the bagel and put the cream cheese on it.

"I'll tell you what. I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you about it, if you eat your bagel," he said with a smile, handing me back the bagel. He sat very close to me. Old buddies.

My curiosity got the best of me. So I took a bite. Satisfied, James continued.

"I've been getting to know you, and others, for quite some time."


"Take another bite." I did.

He was selecting his words carefully and waiting until I had eaten each bite.

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