Chapter 34

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James was right. The bar was packed with people. By the time we got there it was already 9:00 p.m., and the bar was full. James said some other piano player would be playing, so he wasn't expected until later. Dan had prime seats saved for us. I felt like a V.I.P. when I saw the "reserved" sign on our table.

Trevor Summers was singing Elton John's "The Bitch Is Back." And the place was hopping with activity and excitement. The small dance floor was full of mostly middle-aged Kansas locals having a great time. James was right. Trevor was very talented. He had a unique voice that was hoarse but strong. And he was playing guitar, too.

"What do you want to drink?" James asked me.

"How about some white wine?" I asked.

"Corona for me," Dan said.

James went off to the bar. I was sure it was no coincidence Dan was left to guard me. But I didn't mind. The night was long.

"It's good to see you again, Corrine," Dan said with a big smile on his face.

"Yes, you, too," I politely said.

But I still had a hard time being around Dan without thinking of the nice face punch he gave me so long ago.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Great." I didn't know what was an appropriate response for a kidnap victim. "What about you? How's Sarah?"

"She's good, she's good."

It's "well," you dumbass.

"It's too bad she's not here," I said. "I'd love to get to know her better. I didn't talk to her much when I met her at Thanksgiving."

"I know. I wish she could be here, but I decided it was best for her to stay home. But we'll have to get together soon, just the four of us. We'll have you over."

"Oh, that sounds great. I'd love that."

I wondered if Sarah was allowed to go out as much as I was.

After a few songs the band took a break, and the crowd gave a loud applause. After the set was over, Trevor came over and shook the guys' hands and introduced himself to me.

"Man, your voice is awesome," Dan said. "You got a lot of talent."

"Thanks," Trevor said. "Hopefully I'll be able to play with James again soon. That is, if he doesn't bail out on me again."

That was news to me. So, James was supposed to play that night.

"Sorry, man," James said, embarrassed at being called out. "I just wanted to spend more time with my woman."

He put his arm around my shoulder. That really meant he didn't play because he had to babysit me. But I didn't care. Hell, I was there, which meant he wanted me to be there, with him at the bar. That meant a lot to me.

Without that, I wouldn't be able to escape.

Trevor said, "I'm tellin' you, man, you could be going on the road with me and playing all around the country instead of being stuck here in this hell hole."

James shrugged. "Nah, man. This is where I belong."

He looked at me and smiled. It had never occurred to me that I was keeping James from a bigger future. I just thought of him working in the business world. That's all he had. But maybe he could've been a famous musician. Instead of stuck taking care of me on a Kansas farm. But that wasn't my fault.

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