Chapter 37

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Detective Saltini and Dr. Manning didn't talk to me the entire ride home. But I could feel the tension and anger waiting to unfold.

When we got into Dr. Manning's house, I saw Sophia sitting at the kitchen table, anxious and tired. It was about 3:00 am. by this point. I was beyond tired myself. My defenses were on overload.

"Dear, you're still up?" Dr. Manning said, throwing his keys onto the kitchen counter.

"I couldn't sleep," she said. She glanced at me but just as quickly looked away.

I wondered if she was mad at him. Then I wondered why I cared. She was the least of my problems.

"You remember Mr. Santini, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. Hello," Sophia said, but she didn't look at him.

Detective Santini said, "Sophia, so good to see you again. I wish it was under better circumstances."

He gave her a warm hug. But her back was stiff, and she pulled away quickly.

"Were you able to get everything done I asked you to?" Dr. Manning asked.

"Yes. It's all done," she asked, looking at the floor.

"Thank you. Please excuse us while I show Corrine her sleeping quarters," Dr. Manning said. He grabbed me by the arm and squeezed much more than needed. "Let's go, Corrine."

He led me to the end of the kitchen to a door that opened to the basement. I didn't even know they had a basement. It looked dark and cold, even after Dr. Manning flipped on the single light that illuminated the downstairs. The stairs were too narrow for us to walk down side-by-side, so he gestured for me to go first.

When we got to the bottom, I looked around. There was a cot, an end table, the washer and dryer, and what looked like a bathroom. It was a small area, but everything I might need.

"I trust you'll be comfortable here for the evening," Dr. Manning said. "I'll be back for you in the morning. Try to get some sleep. You'll need it."

With that, he walked back upstairs, shut the door, and locked it. An all-too-familiar sound.

I sat on the bed and rubbed my eyes, too exhausted to think. I walked over to the bathroom and got ready for bed. I only had the clothes I was wearing, but there was a new toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth and soap for me.

Sleep. I wanted it to come so badly. But all that came was restless fits and freakish nightmares. James turning into Detective Santini, smiling while cutting me into pieces. Me tied to a stick while men in KKK robes chanted before they killed me.

I was almost thankful when I heard the door unlock and Dr. Manning walked downstairs. I had no idea what time it was.

"Good morning," Dr. Manning said in a chipper tone.

I didn't trust it for a minute. I sat up in bed and rubbed my face, trying to awaken my defenses.

"Go wash up so we can eat breakfast. I'll wait for you."

I did as I was told and tried to hurry in the bathroom. Hurry to what or for what, I didn't know. And didn't want to know.

When I was done, Dr. Manning motioned for me to walk upstairs first. Everything felt calculated, rehearsed. He even stayed far enough back that I couldn't reach him, in case I had plans of pushing him down the stairs. Or maybe I was just being paranoid.

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