Chapter Seventy-Two

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Louis sat on the edge of the bed holding Jessica's hand. He looked solemnly into her eyes. "Why did you turn me away when I came back from George Town?"

Jessica studied her hand where it lay in his. "I didn't want to be your mistress." She looked up and into his eyes and added, "Don't want to be your mistress, Louis."

"And who said anything about my keeping you as a mistress?" A ripple of anger flurried through him. Surely he hadn't given her any reason to think that. Louis ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "For God's sake, Jessica. I had been away for a week. We have made love once and how you think that makes you my mistress, I do not know?" He shrugged and held his palms out to her in bewilderment.

"But you want it to happen again."

Louis heard the sadness in her voice. He brought her chin up with the tip of his finger. "Of course I want it to happen again, but that doesn't mean I just want you as my mistress." Louis leaned closer and ran his hand down the side of her head. "I want you now and for always." He climbed from the bed and stood in front of her. "Jessica a mistress is someone who a man finds pleasure with, but generally he doesn't really care about her the way he should." He took a breath and said, "How can I explain? Men take lovers and certain women do the same. Generally these types of women have had lovers before. Between the two there is a silent agreement, that this is all each wants from the other. I want more than this from you."

"And what is it you want from me, Louis?" Jessica peered at him. She wanted to touch his face to let him know how she really felt but instead clasped her hands together and repeated, "What is it you want from me, Louis?"

He cupped her face in the palm of his hand. "I want you to be my lover, my friend. I want you to be mine."

"And if I become with child, then what? What should I expect from you?"

He smiled and shook his head. "I am obviously not making myself understood, am I?" Louis studied her confused face, and then beamed at her. "I want to father your children. I want to be your lover and friend. Jessica I want to take care of you. I want to be your husband and you, my wife and mother of my children."

"This cannot be," Jessica gasped. "I am just a convict, sir?"

"No you are not." Louis chuckled. "You are the Lady Jessica Loxton! Not that it makes any difference to me. I was in love with you when you were the convict Jessica Reily. I want you no matter who you are." He took hold of her hands and knelt before her. "I love you, Jessica. Will you be my wife?"

She looked down at his smiling face, just barely seeing it through her tears. A lump in her throat prevented her from speaking. Jessica nodded her head in answer.

Louis stood and gathered her in his arms. He sought her lips and kissed her.

A ripple of sensation fluttered throughout Jessica's body when Louis's lips touched hers. She sighed and closed her eyes. She would not turn him away from her. She was his as he was hers. Jessica placed her hands on his bare chest. She loved the feel of him. His skin, smooth and taut, like silk to her fingers. His bandaged waist did not deter her; she ran her fingers lightly over his wound and on to his stomach. Jessica felt his muscles tense and his breath in her hair as she touched him. She ran her hands along his sides and on to explore his back.

"Oh, Jessica. To have you touch me feels like nothing I have ever felt before." He looked at her face and into the depths of her grey eyes. Louis was sure they were the source of sunshine. He ran his fingers tenderly along the line of her jaw. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. From the first day, when I looked at you in your rags and chains, you have stirred my heart. You have filled my life, Jessica."

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