Chapter Eighty-One

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Louis boarded the Navarino the day before it was to set sail. A thirty-three year old Barque and not one of the fastest in the Copeland fleet but Louis didn't want to waste any time getting to Dublin.

There were four other passengers on board. Two elderly women. Sisters. Miss Bell was a spinster who had brown hair, which she wore in a tight bun and glasses that sat on her nose magnifying her eyes, so they seemed too large for her face. The other, Mrs. Charmers was a widow. A plump woman with wiry short grey hair who walked with a limp. The other two passengers were Mrs. Charmers' grandchildren. Peter a boy of sixteen with light red hair and freckles. He was solid and energetic and loved helping the sailors. His sister Sarah a young woman of twenty also had sandy red hair and freckles. She differed from her brother by being thin and pale. Her body movements were slow and graceful and her manner happy and polite.

Peter liked to fish. He trailed a line over the stern of the ship most days. He and Jasper, the cabin boy, had become good friends. Jasper had taught Peter how to cast a net to catch bait and then how to put the bait on his hook.

"How are you boys fairing? Any bites yet?" Louis asked as he knelt down beside them.

"Aye, Master Copeland, two biggies we got, sir. It'll be fish for supper for the Cap'an and ye selves."

Louis laughed. "I think we'll be sick of fish before this journeys end."

"And sick o' plenty o' other things I think, sir."

"You might be right, Jasper." Louis nodded, still smiling. "And what of you? Do you have family in Ireland?"

"Nay, sir. I come from Scotland and there is nay any family for me there."

A flurry of memories filled Louis's mind of him in a time without living family. "How many years have you sailed, Jasper?"

"Five, sir. Since I was ten. They wouldn't take me till I was in double figures."

"And you like this life?" Louis asked.

"Tis good enough, sir and better en living in a poor house."

Louis nodded his agreement, and then turned to Peter. "And what of you Peter? What will you do when we reach Ireland?"

Peter's face lit up. "I'm going to get myself a position like Jasper, so I can fish as much as I like." He covered his mouth and added in a whisper, "And so I can be rid of me Gran and her nagging."

Louis laughed. "You had better not let her hear you say that."

"Struth no!" Peter laughed. "She'd skin me alive."

As they laughed Mrs. Charmers voice could be heard calling Peter to come out of the sun.

"Well, you'd better do as she says or you may not live long enough to fulfil your dreams," Louis said with a chuckle as he walked across the deck toward the elderly lady.

"Ah, Master Copeland," she said as he approached. "Would you be so kind as to take Sarah for a stroll around the deck? I fear she needs some exercise and would prefer a companion. You are much fitter than I."

"Yes, madam." Louis took a bow. "I would be delighted," he said as he held out his arm for Sarah to grasp.

Louis talked of the ship to Sarah. He explained what was what and she, seeing the interest he had in the ship, asked more questions.

Mrs. Charmers sat in her chair and watched the pair as they chatted and smiled at each other. This pleased her greatly, she had been going to begin the search for a husband for Sarah when they landed in Ireland, but perhaps, she thought, her search need not go further than this very ship.

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Super short chapter. Thanks again for all your support. ♥♥♥  

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