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I hope you liked the ending but for all those who still have questions perhaps this will answer them.

The sound of carriage wheels on the cobble stones surprised the group gathered around the table in the kitchen of Ashton House. Aiden pushed his chair back and handed his baby daughter to Alice. "I'd better see who that is."

"I'll come too," George said. "It might be Doctor Wells come to check on me beautiful wife." He bent, put his hand on Gabrielle's large stomach and kissed the top of her head.

As the two men moved toward the door Mary laughed. "If Master Louis could see this place now. We've got more children than sheep." She poured Robert a glass of milk and handed it to him. "You best say thank you or I'll give it to your sister."

"Sarah no dink it. She's a wee one. " Robert grinned as he reached for the cup. "Ta, Mare."

"That's right she is, but you mind ye manners cause she's a growing and will set you right if you don't." Mary rubbed the top of his head and turned to young George. "What of you, Georgie? Do you want some milk?"

"Nah...I'm too old for milk, Mary." He reached across the table for the teapot. "I'm a man now and men drink tea."

"Man!" Gabrielle laughed. "You're twelve, Georgie. Not quite a man yet."

"I'm in my thirteenth year, Ma. Da says I've only got an inch to go and I'll be as tall as him."

A loud holler cut off their laughter. Georgie was out the door first with Mary, Alice and Gabrielle not far behind. Robert frowned, finished the last of his milk, climbed from the bench seat and totted after them.

"Oh me God!" Mary dropped to her knees with her hands to her mouth.

"Master, Louis! Jessica!" Alice gasped and rushed towards them with baby Sarah in her arms.

"You have a baby too!" Gabrielle gushed. "Oh...my...a little girl."

Louis beamed and wrapped his arm around Jessica's shoulder. He looked down at his daughter. "This is Hannah. Our sweet angel."

Mary got to her feet and wiped tears from her eyes as she stroked Hannah's cheek. "How old is she?"

"She'll be one in four weeks, Mary," Jessica said as she drew her favourite cook into a cuddle.

"Oh...I've never been so happy in me life," Mary sobbed.

"I think you have a happier day to come yet, Mary," Louis said with a grin as he handed her two sheets of paper.

"For me, Master?" Mary wiped away her tears, took the parchment and unfolded it. "You know I ain't so good at reading, sir. What's it say?"

Jessica passed Hannah to Louis and stepped in beside her. "I'll read it for you."

Unconditional Pardon.

"On this day the 4th of December 1843 I, Sir John Eardley-Wilmot the now governor of Van Diemen's Land present Mary Louise Glazebrook an unconditional pardon."

"Oh me God!" Mary staggered backwards. George caught her before she fell. She cried, "For the love of Jezebel, I's no longer have to live in bedlam. This truly is a blessed day."

Everyone laughed at her reference to Jezebel and hoped she was referring to Phoenician princess and not the immoral.

"There's more, Mary," Jessica exclaimed as she moved the second page to the front so she could read it."

"More!" Mary gasped again.

"Yes." Jessica beamed as she looked at everyone standing on the cobblestones. "It's a letter from your daughter."

Mary didn't make a sound but stared in disbelief so Jessica read.

"Dear Ma, the lady, Mrs. Copeland is helping me write this letter. By the time you get it, me and Da will be on a ship coming to be with you. Master Copeland says he'll put us up for a bit until we decide where we'll live. He says chances are you'll want to stay on at Ashton House and me and Da can work for him too. Though Mrs. Copeland says I'll be snatched up by a man to be his wife as quick as a lick because I'm so pretty. We love you and can't wait to see you. Lizzy and Da xoxo"

Jessica lowered the page, tears running down her face as she smiled at Mary who hadn't said a word. "She really is so pretty, Mary. You wait until you see her." She reached out and cupped Mary's face. "She has your curls."

"Yes..." Mary smiled as she sobbed. "She does."

"This is truly the best day in all our lives," Aiden exclaimed as he shook Louis's hand. "Welcome home, Master Copeland."

"It's Louis, Aiden." He beamed as he shook Aiden's hand and then put his arm around Jessica's shoulders holding his daughter on his hip. Louis looked around the family in front of him and said as he lifted his eyes to take in Ashton House. "It's so good to be home."


Adam lifted his head from the accounts he was working on at the sound of a knock on the study door.

Jane came in carrying a tea tray. "Are you ready for some tea, Adam?"

"Yes." Adam came around the desk and took the tray from her. "You shouldn't be carrying this in your condition." He put the tray on the occasional table, kissed her forehead and put his hand on her swollen stomach. "Especially since you only have a few weeks left until our child is born."

She smiled up at him. "Have you finished filling out the ledger for Master Copeland's solicitor?"

Adam nodded and stared out the window at the gardens of Loxton Hall. "I think he'll be very happy with my management. The blight has lifted and we're finally making some money."

"It was very good of him to let us stay here," Jane murmured as she poured the tea.

"Well. It made sense to have me manage Loxton Estate. I know this place better than anyone." Adam sat down and took a piece of cake from the tray.

"Do you still love her," Jane whispered as she put her cup to her lips.

"Yes." Adam smiled over at Jane, and then winked. "But not as much as I love you."

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Oh...I haven't finished yet. If you've read my other stuff you'll realise I can't shut up so of course there's another Author's note on the next page. ♥♥♥  

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