Chapter Four

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Maddox immediately felt the difference in Darcy and tensed up himself, pulling his arm away from her shoulder and moving to stand behind her. A nod at the rest of the guys had them moving so Lylah and Darcy were both in between all of them, covered from all sides.

"Maddox! Wait up!" He let out a sigh of relief when he heard his brother's voice and turned to see Landon rushing down the sidewalk to them. He slapped his hand against Maddox's shoulder once he reached them and struggled to get his breathing under control.

"Let me tell you, six donuts and a coffee before running is not good for your health. Fuck. Is this what an asthma attack feels like? Because it sucks," Landon wheezed, and Maddox rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Landon, meet Darcy and Lylah. Landon's my idiot baby brother." Lylah waved at Landon while Darcy eased herself out of her box of protectors and rubbed Landon's back.

"Deep breath in, hold it for three seconds. Let it out slowly. Do it a couple of times and you'll feel better."

Landon did as she said and flashed her a thankful smile before straightening up and looking at Maddox over her head. Darcy shot an annoyed look at her sister and Lylah grinned at her, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"So, tell me. Does being giants run in your family?" Darcy asked, realizing that Landon was only two inches shorter than Maddox. She was beginning to feel like a midget around all of the men and she knew her sister was feeling the same exact way.

Maddox shrugged at her and began herding everyone towards their cars. "Our dad was a tall man, 6'9. Our mom is about as tall as you are and wishes every day she had a short daughter so she wouldn't feel so left out."

Lylah opened the back door of Maddox's truck and climbed in, scooting over so Damion would have room. Landon piled in behind him and smiled at Darcy when she closed the door behind him.

She crawled in the front and scooted over as far as she could go so Elijah and Stanford could have room beside her and let out a soft grunt when Maddox got into the drivers seat. She was little, but damnit she was getting crushed and it was getting hard to breathe.

Maddox stifled a laugh at the look on Darcy's face and tugged her over until she was practically in his lap. "You're in charge of the gears since I can't see them." Darcy looked up at him with wide eyes that said she thought he was crazy and shook her head.

"This is so illegal! Not to mention dangerous! If we get into a car wreck at least three of us could end up hurt!" Maddox shrugged at her and nodded his head at Elijah, who put the truck in reverse for his friend.

Maddox backed out of his parking spot and Darcy let out a frustrated groan before putting it in drive again. "If we die, I'm haunting your ass."

Maddox listened to the bickering between his friends as he drove in an attempt not to focus on the way Darcy felt pressed up against him. The way she was sitting would let her feel the second he got hard in his pants and that's the last thing he needed. It would just make their time alone together more awkward than it already was.

He let out a sigh of relief when Ruby's Diner finally came into view and pulled into the parking lot, everyone piling out before he even turned the engine off. He scrubbed his hand over his face before getting out and meeting his group at the front of his truck.

"I love this place, their burgers are the absolute best," Darcy sighed, making Maddox laugh when she stared longingly at the door. He slipped his arm over her shoulder and she snaked hers around his waist while Landon did the same to Lylah. "I'm sure mom will love to hear that."

Darcy looked up at him when he started walking to the front door and he winked at her. "What do you mean 'mom'?" He pulled the front door open and allowed her to walk in first, both of them moving to the side to allow everyone else to join them.

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