Chapter Five

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Darcy let out a sigh as she flopped back against her pillows and tugged the blankets back over her legs. "You wanna come to the rec center with me today?" She looked over to see Maddox standing in her doorway wearing nothing but a towel, water droplets rolling down his neck and chest from his still wet hair. She bit her lip in appreciation when some of the droplets got all the way down to his abs and tried not to think about licking it off.

She felt her cheeks go hot when she looked back up at his face and he was grinning at her. She cleared her throat and looked over his shoulder at the wall so she would stop picturing him without the towel.

"Is Lylah going?" She cringed on the inside when her voice came out as a squeak and prayed Maddox would take pity on her.

"She's going with Damion, they should be there about the same time as us if you wanna go," Maddox said, reaching up to scratch his chin and Darcy got distracted by his body all over again. Honestly, having that many muscles and looking like sex on legs should be illegal. It would help her out a lot if he wasn't constantly in a state of undress.

She nodded her head and waved him away, letting out a sigh of relief when he shut the door behind him. They had stayed up all night getting to know each other and it had occurred to her as she tried to fall asleep that she preferred his company over everyone else's, even her twins. It was a terrifying realization that left her a little shaky.

She threw the blankets back and slid out of the bed again, heading towards the closet and staring at the options she had. She surpassed the cutoffs and shirts and went straight to the sundresses, something she had learned Maddox was a fan of last night. Not that she was wearing it for him. It was totally for herself, and if he stared at her legs then that was just a bonus.

She pulled a blush pink sundress with spaghetti straps off the hanger along with a cream colored cardigan just in case it got cold inside of the rec center. She stripped out of her pajamas and slipped the dress on over her head, the skirt of it ending mid-thigh and the sweetheart neckline showing off a little more cleavage than she was used to. Lylah has convinced her to buy it last year and this was the firs time she was wearing it, and she had to admit she did look pretty.

She did her makeup quickly, knowing that Maddox wouldn't take very long to get ready and she didn't want to keep him waiting. She undid her hair from its braids and ran her fingers through it before swiping on a nude lipgloss and slipping sandals on her feet. She grabbed her cardigan off the bed where she put it when there was a knock on the door.

Darcy opened it up and blushed when Maddox let out a low whistle after seeing what she was wearing. "Remind me to take you out to lunch after this. You look amazing."

"Let me just grab my purse and I'll be ready to go," Darcy said softly, moving back to her bed and grabbing her bag off the foot of it. Maddox continued to watch her as she slipped the strap over her head and clinched his fist when she moved her hair out of the way, leaving her cleavage on full display.

If he had known she was going to look like this he wouldn't have answered her question about what he found most attractive for girls to wear. He had been daydreaming about what she would look like all dolled up and the reality was better than any fantasy his brain had come up with.

Darcy grabbed her fake septum ring off of her dresser and slipped it in her nose, following behind Maddox silently as they walked to the front door. She waited patiently while he checked the hallway for unfamiliar males and smiled up at him when he turned to give her the all clear.

"Ready?" Darcy nodded at him and slipped into the hallway, moving to the side so he could use his key to lock the front door. He put his arm around her shoulders once he was done, his thumb rubbing back and forth on the top of her arm and making her feel weak in the knees. It had been way too long since a male had paid good attention to her and she had gotten laid apparently, because by the time they got out to the parking lot and into the truck she was ready to pounce on him.

Knock Down, Drag Out / Book OneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin