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Naruto's intuition was at an all time high, they were listening to Anko talk about the rules of the game, but Naruto couldn't help but feel such Nasty chakra standing amongst them, a Kunai was thrown by Naruto's face, he dodged it at the last second, looking as the proctor chuckled.

"Nice intuition, wouldn't expect less from a Uzukaze." She spoke and Naruto rolled his eyes.

"And I would've expect such vile chakra from the protégée of the snake." Naruto snapped and the woman only rolled her eyes.

"Pick a team leader and grab the scroll," the team looked at one another before looking at Shikamaru, Shikamaru rolled his eyes and walked to the stand.

Naruto looked among the rest of the ninja's some that was so similar, however one was just staring at Sasuke and licking their lips, it was a weird team from the grass country, Naruto immediately walked over to the woman looking, he getting one feel of that chakra that was identical to the chakra that he cleansed from Sasuke.

"Don't you put your fucking hands on him or I'll kill you." Naruto said looking at the woman, the woman looked at Naruto a chuckled fell from her lips.

"See you on the field Uzukaze." Naruto left and stood back by Sasuke. Sasuke looked at Naruto and seen him tying up his hair. Naruto was serious, he was willing to kill for Sasuke and Shikamaru.

"The team from the grass country, I don't trust them. I will kill them in the forest." Naruto said and Shikamaru came back.

"Come we got gate 2, what's the plan Naruto?" Shikamaru asked grabbing his hand.

"I'm killing that bastard. He trying to take Sasuke, I'll kill him." Naruto said and Sasuke and Shikamaru nodded.

"So bloodlust on?" Sasuke asked.

"It's so fucking on." Naruto said and as the waited for their door to open, the team got ready. Shikamaru started drawing seals on his body and his teammates. Weapon pouches, Sharpened swords.

The gates rose and their first thing was to find another scroll, and it worked after a few hours. They beat a team from the sand and went to finding Orochimaru, which was making Naruto upset. He was so amazing at finding chakra and now that the Sannin was in the forest, he was hiding it.

"Looking for me?" Naruto turned around and stopped on a branch, Sasuke and Shikamaru being perched way up high.

"You fucking pedo, why are you trying to take Sasuke?" Naruto said and Orochimaru rolled his eyes.

"I want the power of that Uchiha, his latent powers will keep me alive for generations. You and Shikamaru are in my way, you healing all of that chakra Mia placed on him. I have to just take him now." Naruto could feel Sasuke tense at the name of Mia and Naruto had enough.

His arms and legs became completely covered in tattoos, and his body was radiating a low hue of red. He was angry, and Orochimaru only dropped the form of the grass country Genin and to his regular body. Naruto took off at him engaging him in Taijutsu while Shikamaru was drawing a seal, placing his chakra in and muttering the words of release. Waves and waves of sleepiness came through the forest,

Orochimaru smiled at the kids, they were smart but no where near his level, that seal wouldn't effect him, he wasn't technically alive, his soul died long ago. Shikamaru realized that seals like that won't work on Orochimaru, he watched Naruto punch Orochimaru in the jaw, effectively cracking it.

Sasuke only jumped down and drew his sword seeing Orochimaru off guard, once he went to step on the tree, he had to dodge an earth shattering punch from Naruto's grandmother.

This battle just got a lot more messy. At the feel of his grandmother, Naruto jumped back and grabbed Sasuke, just in time to miss his grandmothers kick. Shikamaru jumped down and caught her foot, flipping her back and her standing next to a broken jaw Orochimaru.

"You've grown Naruto." Naruto looked at the woman who wanted his powers, wanted to be younger, he despised her.

"Fuck you granny, I hate you." Naruto said, him calming down and the tattoos left his body, they didn't want to talk, Naruto and the team wanted this to end, and the only way they could was to kill them.

So with the sun shining bright into the next day, they stood off facing the people who wants them. Not a word was uttered and the three teens looked from one another, then Naruto looked up.

"Should we be expecting Danzo?" Naruto asked and Tsunade chuckled.

"He won't attend this party no." One look between one another and Shikamaru exhaled.

"This is a drag, you do realize who we were trained by." Shikamaru standing next to Sasuke, the plan clear as day, and they didn't even have to talk. The kids had known one another for four years, they all thought almost exactly the same.

"We were watching you, we know what you master." Sasuke then chuckled.

"You sure you were watching us?" Sasuke's eyes changed from onyx to their purple ridged pattern. Shikamaru smiled.

"We've only just scratched the surface of shinobihood." Shikamaru responded by glowing a soft green hue, tattoo's running down his arm that looked like open triangles.

"You've picked the wrong teens Granny, Oro." Naruto erupted in power, as his Nature chakra was running wild, the wind blew a lot stronger, and he looked up and Tsunade's eyes widened, Naruto not only knew Fox sage, but heavenly sage just as her grandfather knew.

"You've mastered Heavenly Life?" She asked shocked and before she had an answer she was kicked into a tree. Opening her eyes she saw a shadow of light as Naruto traveled.

"Yes, but since I'm an Uzumaki, it's a lot more different." Naruto punched as he spoke, it was a one sided fight thus far.

"You failed to do your research granny." Naruto whispered as he saw her activate her healing marks to heal, and they started fighting.

"I've read for twelve years of my life, I've always wanted to learn what my elders knew. Medical Ninjutsu, Sage, sealing but that wasn't for me." Naruto started as he dodge a kick to his chest, while kicking her in her chest.

"You know Uzumaki clan and Senju clan were combined when Hashirama married Mito. However the clans were similar so it leaned one way or the other. Then you went and had sex with a Namikaze and had a child with latent Senju chakra and In abundance." Naruto had her by her chin pinned against a tree.

She had blood, coughing from her mouth as he took a beating, she was looking old as she used the regenerative ability too much.

"He was then married to an Uzumaki, and had a child that came from three powerful clans, did you not think that I would harness such power? There is nothing I can't do? I could become a god of the shinobi world and do you want to know what I want to do?" Naruto said as he plunge a Kunai deep in the heart of his grandmother.

Her eyes widened and she knew she wouldn't survive this.

"All I want to do is grow old with Shikamaru and have kids, I want to see Sasuke love again and have kids. I want us to be so close that out kids call each other cousins. I want a normal life." Naruto whispered as as Tsunade went to take her last breathe she was greeted with a kiss on the forehead.

"I still love you granny, sorry it came to this." Naruto pulled out the Kunai as she closed her eyes for the last time, falling against a tree. Naruto looked over to see Sasuke panting, with a headless Orochimaru and Shikamaru leaning against the tree.

"Sasuke cut her head off and seal her with the bastard." Naruto spoke and Sasuke nodded.

They all looked at one another and gave a small smile.

Step one complete.


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