Anistyn Holmes is present

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"Anistyn?" Sherlocks deep voice rang out through Baker Street in a rare, and utter confusion, his long coat billowing behind him, as he makes his way towards me in long quick strides.

"Present!" I respond happily sitting on the curb in front of 221B's front door, laughing at my second eldest brother's disbelief.

"Why are you here." He sneers, and I get up, and hug his stiff body, not complying to hug me back.

"Can't I visit?" I sneer back in the same tone. "And share a flat.." I say under my breath.

"No." Comes a flat response.

"Too late!" I tease, "Miss Hudson has already taken a liking to me, and I have already moved my stuff in. Brother dearest." I say the last two words just to bug him. He scowls at me, and I slap his arm playfully.

"You litt-"

"What, are you going to call mother? Or Mycroft? They already know I'm here, and they approve that I should be." I cut him off, and he just grumbles inaudible profanities back as we both head through the front door, and to the flat.

I push the door open, I haven't talked to my brother since, well since I was about 11; nine years ago. "Taken up violin I see, for boredom, and helps you think. But there's two chairs sitting opposite each other.. Sherlock." I scold, he tries to say something but I continue, "Your goldfish moved out I see." Happily using Mycroft's term for the ordinary people about.

"Shut up."

"Nope." I reply, popping the p. Smiling smugly, I plop into the gray chair I can only imagine is Sherlock's. He huffs in irritation, and sits down in the older chair opposite.

"Never knew you, of all people would be such a bother." He replies comically, and the puts his hands in a prayer like position under his chin, and I recall that's what he does when he goes into his Mind Palace. I happily go into mine as well, wandering the halls of our childhood home...

"How old are you now?" He asks suddenly, and my eyes drift to his in irritation.

"20, but I guess I shouldn't expect you to remember my birthday. And I must say Sherlock, I am surprised you haven't deleted me yet." I reply harshly.


A nervous, eager rapping sounds at the door, I don't open my eyes as I hear Sherlock go to see who it is, I listen in, now only pretending to be in my Palace.

"Sherlock, got a new cas-" A man's voice suddenly drops, and I open my crystal blue eyes, to see a gray haired man standing in the doorway to the flat. I start making deductions inside my head of him, but finally stopping once I reach about 30.

"Detective Inspector! Hello." I say slyly, as the corners of his mouth lowers in understanding, his eyes become tired, making him look old.

"Not another one." He sighs exasperated.

A/N So! How was it? Should I continue writing it? I'm not sure, but I think I will. And also I am going to be continuing False Identity but I am just taking a breather from it, and regaining my thoughts for it, since I'm fresh out of ideas on how to continue with the new plot someone happily suggested. Comment, vote, and most importantly keep reading! Thanks!

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