Once more

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First off, before we get into this chapter I want to thank each and every of you guys that are reading, 700 views! That just boggles my mind, I won't plead but I will ask: If you want to add a comment go ahead! And I love all the votes, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. And on with the chapter!

(Sherlocks POV)

Days, and months went by without a mere whisper of Anistyn's location. That's not surprising, she has always been the best at covering her trail, and I regret teaching her how to now, because she excelled at it and passed Mycroft and myself by in the skill. So I sit in my chair. Not bothering to get up, just thinking, and searching my mind Palace.

"Sherlock." Comes a voice I know as Mycroft's.

"What is it Mycroft, I'm not in the mood." I snap.

"Yes yes. When is Anistyn's birthday?" He quizzes me, I look up and raise an eyebrow at him


"Our sister."

"Oh her. Why would I know her birthday?"

"Oh I don't know Sherlock, she's only our sister. And I'm wondering because she hasn't contacted anyone that I know, you should be able to figure out why I asked about her birthday. Good day brother. "

I groan as my phone starts buzzing on the kitchen table, I look at it in irritation wondering if I should let it ring out. I decide against it and go to get it. "You miss me already? -She's in her 20's Mycroft, I think she can handle herself." I curtly answer only to receive loud yelling in my ear. I sigh, end the call, and throw my phone across the room. Yes, I do know why he asked me of her birthday. This is the month of her birthday I believe, normally she does something for herself on her birthday, but that's rare. She could be undercover, she will do that when she has nothing better to do. I sink back into my chair again and think.

-Anistyn's POV-

I often lose myself in thought, in distant memories long past. I wake up quickly, remembering that same thing over and over again from my dream. That's all I said in my dream, to Sherlock. I sit up and go to the kitchen debating if I should have a quick breakfast. I shrug my shoulders and grab some cereal. As I sit at the kitchen table with milk and cereal I check my phone. 12 voice mails from Mycroft. 7 missed calls from Sherlock. Seven? Wow he must be worried, he normally won't call more than twice. If that. I rinse out the bowl and clean it carefully. Going to my room I have to get ready for the day. This new flat is practically identical to the one Summer owned, nicely familiar. Slipping whatever's closest, that happens to be a black flowy dress, and a Burgundy sweater of sorts that has pockets over the dress and my black ankle boots I walk out the door ready for the day to begin. Ready for a mission to concoct in my head, to get information I don't already have. Smiling to myself I walk down the pavement without a word. Only if my dear brother Mycroft would see me now. He's always so overprotective for some reason over me. But now, I'm capable of whatever my heart desires. Steal the Crown Jewels? Sure. Good idea? Not really. Hack into the most secure agencies? Sounds fun. Good idea? Nope, but I just might. I take out my phone and decide to text Sherlock.

Hello dearest brother, have you missed me? I'm on a mission currently but I might just stop by if I have a chance to chat.

Hitting send I smirk, this will confuse him. I never tell him what I'm doing, less if I'll stop by. My phone buzzes quickly in reply.

Where are you.

Sliding my phone back into my pocket I don't respond. Time to get to work.

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