Oh It's Christmas!

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Sherlock will hate me, or love me. I think to myself as I hack into MI6 to get information on Moriarty, Mycroft (I'm curious), and random others like Charles Augustus Magnusson. One... Last..... File to dowload...


Crap, oh well, I am a Holmes after all. In one move I take the USB out of the computer and shove it into the pocket of my sweater, I really should have dressed more fit for running. I take off my ankle boots so the guards don't hear the annoying 'click' they give off. I dash out of the main office and down the hallway, getting to the lobby I look around. Security is nowhere to be seen, so they must be in the labrinth looking for the intruder, but you would think they'd at least block the exits or something. I strut out the door, minding my own business. I check my phone, no one has called. Good. I put my annoying shoes on once more and head to Baker Street.

As I pass the café and walk up to 221B's front door I see it's open. The front door is wide open. I give the door a quick check; No signs of forced entry, doorknocker is not crooked. Well I guess I don't need to be making any more deductions there, Mycroft's here. I sneak up the stairs knowing all the points were they creak, and make sure I step where they don't make a sound. But before I make it up all the way to my brother's flat I already can hear the arguing.

"Mycroft! She's fine, she can handle herself!"

"Really? Then why did I just get a call that MI6 just had an intruder that wasn't apprehended?!" Not my fault, I was bored.

"So what Mycroft? That's just how Anistyn works, when she gets bored she-"

"Challenges herself in different skills, like stealing or breaking into MI6!" Mycroft replies clearly agitated. I carefully enter the main room, Sherlock as always is sitting in his chair, so he sees me immediately. But luckily he's on my side, and he won't hold back on arguing with Mycroft even if I'm in the room. I duck as I go to sit on the couch so Mycroft doesn't see me through the mirror, as his back is facing me. After a half an hour I grow surprised that Mycroft hasn't taken a seat, so I decide to speak up.

"Merry Christmas to you two as well." I smirk.

"Anistyn!" Mycroft jumps in surprise.

"Took you long enough." Sherlock mutters under his breath.

"Why are you here?" Mycroft queries, I roll my eyes.

"As I said, Merry Christmas. I'm not heartless as some might be." I raise my brow at Mycroft, "So here, Merry Christmas." I throw a file to Mycroft on his boss, and one to Sherlock on Magnusson.

"That's the only reason you broke in? To get us the files we couldn't, then give them to us as Christmas gifts?" Mycroft once again asks not very smartly.

"Well yes, now you can do better than your boss and hopefully get promoted, like you want. And Sherlock, you finally get to understand Magnusson a bit more." I say then, "I think a "Thank you" wouldn't go amiss."

"Thank you Anistyn." Both of my brothers mutter the phrase they practically swore off. And I smile widely, then toss a case to Sherlock I had nicked off Lestrade desk. I had to pass by Scotland Yard anyway.

"Here Sherlock, it's another case. This one is quite exciting though, I already looked at it." Sherlock quickly opens the file and his eyes widen as he reads it.

"Oh, it's Christmas!" He delightedly grins.

A/N I am so sorry I haven't posted nothing in such a long time, I am a horrible person. There's no excuse for not posting either, I just got sidetracked and had writers block for the longest time so I took a break. So Merry Christmas!

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