Years gone by

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(Sherlocks POV)

I sulk around my flat, the wall has taken a pounding with its dozens of dozens of bullet holes in it.  My boredom has come once again, I had solved her murder a long while ago.  Finding the killer was relatively easy, getting him in jail was a bit difficult but it did happen, and he went missing not long after that.  The door creaks open, my head snaps up to see who it is, John.

"Sherlock."  He says sadly looking at the shot wall.

"Why are you here."  Comes my snide reply.

"Your bored, Sherlock you can't just hole yourself in your flat, you'll kill something or worse someone.  Or.." 

"Yes, yes, sure, sure."  I interrupt him, and a quiet knock sounds at the door, I look at the door quizically, it hasn't done that in a while.  "Come."  I say loudly to the door, and a redheaded girl pokes her head in, but I don't see the red hair, I see dark brown hair, Anistyn's dark brown hair.  I shake my head and see Summer's bright red hair again.

"Summer, why are you here?"  I sneer, not even wanting people by me, and she hesitantly holds up a hair dyeing kit, I cock my head to the side in confusion not wanting to think at a high rate at the moment.  She sighs.

"Got kicked out of my flat, apparently the other people think I'm too 'Antisocial'."  She makes quotation marks with her hands as she says it, my eyes narrow and I nod my head sharply, she turns to head to the bathroom and by her slow walk, she is sulking.  Loss of job?

"Lost your job too."  I state, and she just nods timidly, "Do you not have any friends."  I ask harshly, she just winces and heads into the bathroom and closing the door behind her, when John starts to talk to me I put my fingers to my temple and zone out.

I snap my eyes open as I catch a whiff of my dead sister's lilac perfume, catching sight of a stick straight dark brown almost black haired girl exit the bathroom, with a fitted black shirt on, and grey trousers. 

"Anistyn."  I utter disdainful, throwing a pile of stationary at her harshly, at which she catches with ease.  Her eyes flick over them each one by one, noticing them and once she sees the last one I speak it for her, having it memorized.

"How do you destroy a monster without becoming one."  And John looks at me, his face full of rage, utter confusion,  and a bit of remembrance.

She completely ignores my statement, and John's face, "You've gotten older Sherlock."  I haven't been in contact with 'Summer' since the funeral.  five years ago.

"It's only been five years Anistyn what do you expect.  You're what, 25 now?"  I question and she nods, she really has grown, she seems more soft, but knowing her that's just a ruse and she has gotten quicker meaning she might have..

"Who did you murder."  I say suddenly startling John.

"My murderer, and some of his employees."  Anistyn relpies with a smug look.

"Stop that!"  John yells at both of us who have some how ended up having a staring contest, causing both of us the end the eye contact and place it on John,  who looks about ready to kill someone himself.

"You, y-ou!"  He says exasperated, pointing at Anistyn, I raise one of my eyebrows at him. 

"She!  Pulled a-a Sherlock!"  He finishes, both my sister and I laugh, loudly.  Summoning Ms. Hudson, only to do a double take when she sees Anistyn.  Then she envelops her in a hug, and dashes out of the room not wanting to be in there when the argument erupts.  Anistyn turns to leave.

"How long."  I suddenly ask, making her turn around and cock her head, "How long did it take you to develop a Scottish accent."  She laughs lightly.

"I've been gone for five years, and your only worried about how I developed a Scottish accent."  She replies in astonishment, but then shakes her head, "five minutes."  I nod my head, she isn't slipping like Mycroft is, she's getting faster.

"You're getting quicker."  I compliment, and she smirks in reply, then turning to leave, she stops pulls out a red wig identical to her hair before, pulls it on and quickly applies an enormous amount of makeup.  Probably the same amount she applied as Summer Nielson.  And she leaves the room, not even looking in a mirror, confident in her professionally applied makeup.

(Anistyn's POV)

That wasn't as painful as I had expected, but I know it will be harder for Mycroft, we had a good relationship before I had 'died' and knowing him, he will need more of an explanation than just, "Hi, not dead anymore."  I let my head droop down as I walk through the streets not wanting to attract attention, even though I do have a wig on Summer Nielson has become quite the journalist.  Quite a popular woman, I made sure that she would become an important figure because, Sherlock would steer clear of any sort of press in the latest news.  It wouldn't be any concern of his.  I reach Mycroft's favorite place to be, The Diogenes Club.  He's normally here anyway, and is here now.  I made sure.  I had talked to Mycroft's personal assistant Anthea on the phone before I came, just chatting, she of course didn't know to whom she was speaking.  She notified Mycroft she had spoken to someone of interest, and he's on alert to whoever enters the club.  I smile slyly, everything is going as planned.

I walk confidently through the front door and stride to Mycroft's office, if you would call it that.  As I walk in I see him on his phone, his back facing me.  Slowly he turns around, as he sees me his jaw sets in place, "Yes, we will talk later.  Thank you."  He says snippily at the phone setting down, he looks at my warily. 

"What do you require Ms. Nielson."  He asks, impantient.

"I'm surprised you remember me, since we only met once, at Anistyn's funeral."  I reply in my Scottish accent, at the mention of Anistyn his eyes become sad.  He's still mourning his long lost sister, poor Mycroft.  He strides toward me, glaring into my eyes, I intentionally didn't put my green contacts in leaving my sharp crystal eyes to stare back at him. 

"Anistyn."  He croaks, "Why didn't I see it before.  I did dozens of backround checks on Summer Nielson, they all came back normal.  Only you could fool both Sherlock and I."  He finishes as he pulls off my wig, revealing my dark brunette hair, his face immediately softens, visibly relieved.  

"I'm sorry Mycroft." 

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