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It's 4 pm when I leave Jesse's place so I decide to go grocery shopping before heading home.

I make a list of what I need on my phone before heading into the supermarket. I'm walking through the aisles looking for the necessities when I suddenly bump into someone absentmindedly. I feel so bad when I realise that the woman is pregnant.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I exclaim in worry.

Oh god. I just hope I didn't hit her too her hard.

She hisses as she holds her abdomen in pain for a moment and I feel myself begin to panic. Suddenly, she looks up at me with a sharp smile and her fingers pointed at me. "Gotcha."

Can I just say, that shit was not funny at all. I damn near had a heart attack thinking I had killed somebody's unborn child.

I laugh dryly at her."Haha. Nice one."

Looking at her face more closely, I realise that I recognise her. It seems she does too.

"Sandy?" Lorraine asks in surprise.

Oh shit. Of all the people to bump into it just had to be Lorraine fucking Samuels. Just my luck. It seems like none of the people I knew in high school have left this fucking town. Everywhere I look I just have to see someone that I knew. And in this case someone that I wasn't especially fond of.

Lorraine was Henry's flavor of many weeks before I moved to Atlanta from Carlifonia, and when Henry and I first started dating she disliked me. As time passed, it turned into full blown hatred and she always tried everything in her will power to break us up. Little did she know that Henry would do it well enough all by himself.

My only confusion right now is why she is smiling so brightly at me with her white as fuck teeth. I'm sure she can see the way my brows are furrowed in confusion because she tones it down a bit.

"I can't belive we are meeting again." She says as she pulls me into a hug. An awkward one, might I add.

"It's nice to see you, Lorraine." I lie. What I really want to say is: it's not nice to see you again, Lorraine. The last time we had an encounter, you were telling me of all the dirty things you would do with my husband once you've been able to break us up so forgive me for not being ecstatic at the sight of your suddenly overly preppy self.

I decide to just keep that to myself.

"It's even better to see you, Sandy. I've wanted to contact you for a while and talk to you but I haven't been able to bring myself to." She says as shame washes over her face. "I'm really sorry for everything, Sandy. Sincerely. I was an absolute bitch to you and I would really like for you to forgive me someday and maybe for us to even become friends."

To say I am shocked right now would be an understatement.

You know that Queen Bee in high school who goes around instilling terror in people's hearts while being effortlessly beautiful? The kind that the other girls hated cause they secretly wanted to be her and all the guys wanted to do her and in her eyes she could never do wrong. That was Lorraine in high school. Stuck up and self absorbed. So her apologising to me now is very surprising. I guess people do change afterall.

"I forgive you, Lorraine. And thank you for that apology. It means a lot." I reassured her as I hold her hand tightly in mine.

She looks so relieve before she gives me a smile that can light up a fucking Christmas tree. Seeing her this animated is strange compared to the mean Lorraine who I always knew, but I like the change.

"Can we go out for lunch sometime? My treat." She asks looking at me expectantly.

"Free food? Heck yeah." I answer as she chuckles.

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