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The feather light ends of the powder brush tickle as Alice moves it back and forth on my cheeks softly. I close my eyes, patiently waiting for her to finish.

My hands are rested on my lap as I begin fidgeting again. My legs shake slightly and my shoulders are tense. I don't know why I'm nervous though. It's not like it's the first time I'm doing this, getting married I mean. But it feels like it.

"All done." Alice finally says prompting me to open my eyes. She rolls around the chair I'm seated on so I can look into the mirror and I'm stunned by what I see before me.

The makeup is light and natural looking but it's elegant and makes me look ethereal. I beam up at Alice who is staring at me with this look of pride on her face, at her handwork no doubt. "This is so beautiful, Al. Thank you so much."

She returns my grin as she says, "You're welcome! Now get up, you have to get in your dress."

With a nod, I finally stand up from the chair unable to take my eyes of my reflection staring back at me. My hair was elegantly made by Ryan, my makeup done to perfection by Alice, and now all that's left is to get into the white custom made wedding dress hung up on the closet door of Alice's room.

The room is fairly empty with only Alice and Ryan with me. Jess had left for the kitchen a while ago to go eat some strange food combination, I'm sure. Her pregnancy hormones have been forcing her to do that a lot lately and it's been amusing to watch. Max had proposed to her a few months ago, however, the wedding had to be pushed till she gives birth because my best friend didn't feel like she was stable enough to plan a wedding right now, regardless, she's happy which in turn makes me happy.

Unlike the first time, when Henry and I had an elaborate wedding, this is going to be a simple event. The guest list consisted of less than 50 people all of whom are family and friends, no press or media coverage of any sorts. This was something I strongly insisted upon and Henry was more than willing to grant. "Anything that'll make you my wife again," he had said.

Thinking of him as I stared into the mirror, I found myself grinning stupidly. Seven months ago, I didn't feel like we would ever get here. I didn't even want think of it for fear of overreaching. But yet here we are, both at our happiest with each other.

When Henry had asked me to marry him again, I couldn't help but feel this sense of peace come over me. Like we were doing it right this time around. Although the first time, he asked, yet I didn't feel like it was a question I could really say no to. I was pregnant, and marrying him was what was expected of me. And although we didn't exactly do it the right way the first time, I'm forever grateful for my boys.

Now, however, everything would be done correctly. This was a mutual decision prompted by love. The wedding was strictly planned by us with Anastasia kindly lending us her house for the ceremony. The guest list was composed by us this time, not our parents who would have no doubt added all their business partners and made this a big affair. Everything was done in an effort to not attract attention. And instead of hiring a make up artist and hairdresser, my friends lent their talents for that and I'll forever be grateful to them.

Although Henry and I have been through our own fair share of problems and will face some more in the future, I'm sure, what matters is that we love each other, we are patient and willing to work it out. That's what I keep saying to myself and is a guideline I intend to follow because yet again, I'm unable to imagine a life without Henry in it.

I find myself further reflecting on all that has happened in the last few months. Unable to hold any ill feelings towards her, I forgave Lorraine. It wasn't easy, but I didn't want to hold any bitterness in my heart towards her. As a matter of fact, she was invited to the wedding. As well as Jessica and Will. After much time, the two had finally opened up to the world about their love for each other and their relationship and although Senator Monroe was strongly against it and very vocal about his feelings according to Will, the both of them didn't care as they were both happy.

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