8. Pretty Girls And Dresses

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Alright, fine, I did it. I cleaned without one complaint - not one. But in my defense, I didn't feel like sleeping tied up to a hunk of wood, so there. Working also meant that I got to move around, which is a lot better than staying and watching the same water move past the stupid boat I was on.

And I got a room of my own out of it? Now, why would I pass that up?

After finishing the puddle (and a few other pools Terrible Topher made me do), I came back to Christopher, and I finally got to see my room. It was nothing to brag about having. It wasn't like Christopher's, and I didn't expect it to be, but there it was.

It had a bed, a candle, a table, and a chair. Nothing much, nothing less, and it was all tucked away in a small corner of the room.

"So, now what?" I asked Christopher as he leaned on the doorframe while I sat on my new bed.

Christopher smirked. "Supper is in ten. Davis told me so, so be there or don't eat. Your choice."

"I think I'll eat, thank you, but who's Davis?"

"The cook."

"Oh, right."

Christopher removed himself from the doorframe. "In the meantime, find some way to entertain yourself. I won't lie, there isn't much fun to have on a ship, but I've got books in my room if you're up for a story. Take what you like."

"I know, I saw them," I said, but I raised a brow after a moment. "Why do you have a bookshelf full of books, anyway? Pirates don't read."

Christopher smirked. "Well, this one does. I'm kind of unique if you hadn't noticed."

"But why?"

He stared at me for a moment or so as if trying to figure me out. "Why do you ask so many questions?" He said after.

I answered right away. "Because I'm a curious person."

"I can see that. As I said, you can come in my quarters for a book anytime, be sure to return any you borrow, alright?"

"You don't trust me?"

He chuckled. "Let me put it this way: do you trust me?"

I pretended to think for a moment, even though the answer was obvious. "Fair point, but where am I going to wash?"

Christopher chuckled again. "Well, I wash in my tub that's in my quarters, but you, on the other hand, are just going to have to find a way to keep yourself clean."

My God. "But, I'm a lady."

"Not on board, you're not." He just gave me another reason to hate him and, therefore, kill him: what a way to go, buddy.

"You are impossible!" I screamed, flying my arms in the air. That low life was going to make me bathe in filth! Animal!

"Funny, that's what my father said about me. I believe you and him would get along. Now, how about that?"

"Go away!" I screamed. He held his hands up defensively and left the room, not before I caught that stupid smirk on his stupid good-looking face.

If that made him leave, then hell, I would do it again. It would relieve my thoughts of murdering him in his sleep. Screw it. I would do it anyway. Just think of the fun I would have.


"Are you coming?" A voice I knew all to well asked. Because of this voice that I knew and hated, I didn't look up from the book I was reading.

But I still answered. "I thought you said you didn't want me there."

"Pretty sure I never said that."

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