36. Knowing A Pirate

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Dinner was what it was as usual. Christopher and I played dear husband and wife. Katherine still glared at me from across the table. The Lord and Lady discussed a bunch of random things I have no intention of remembering, and everyone else was eating or talking.

Soon enough, it was time for us to go back to our rooms - to our private lives and domains, and because of that, I hesitated to go up the stairs.

It would mean that I would go back to a room with Christopher in it. It was a place where I thought those frightening thoughts, and I just wasn't ready to face them, not yet.

"Are you coming?" Christopher asked, seeing me stop in front of the stairs. I swallowed back my fear.

"I'll be up in a moment. Go ahead."

Christopher seemed confused and stayed a moment to study me. "Is there something wrong?" He asked innocently.

I shook my head, answering him immediately. "No, I'm fine." I tried to think up an excuse. "I have to ask someone about the ball, that's all."

Christopher stared a few more seconds into my eyes before going up the stairs, leaving me alone with my frantic thoughts and feelings. I sighed.

Alone at last.

"Anne?" I turned around at my name and who do I find but a bemused Katherine. "Uh, yes?"

"I just wanted to say that you're so generous to allow me to dance with Christopher tomorrow night. Most wives wouldn't allow that to happen."

I almost wanted to laugh, hearing that. Christopher and her? Dancing? It was such a childish thought, but it still hurt to think of him, my fake husband, to be dancing with another woman, or should I say, girl?

"I'm afraid I have not heard about that. Though I am sorry to say that you'll have to postpone that dance for another time, a long time seeing as Christopher and I are married, and I would like my husband by my side. Thank you."

Katherine bit back her rage, causing her white powdered face to turn a perfect shade of red. I suppressed my smile.

"You-. Christopher will dance with me! He said so himself!"

"I'm sure he did, but I don't think you want to be dancing with my husband when you can get one of your own." She rose a brow.


I tried to remember a conversation I recently had, something about a young bachelor, or was it a widower?

"I heard a certain young man is going to be there," I said slyly.

Those words most certainly sparked her interest.

"You don't mean Mr. Connelly, do you? The son of the wealthy Lord Connelly?"

Was that his name?


She squealed with so much joy that she seemed almost inhuman to me. "I can't believe it. My God! The tall, handsome, and wealthy, Mr. Connelly will be here! What joy!" Katherine said more to herself than to me.

I quickly nodded my head, wanting to get away from this situation, but Katherine had already done that for me. She walked away from me and up the stair, babbling to herself about whoever this Mr. Connelly was and how wonderful he was.

Thank you, Mr. Connelly, whoever you are! Finally some alone-

"Oh, Anne." Forget what I said because it wasn't happening.

I turned around again, and this time, I found Lord Wheat, who was coming out of a room, his study, I presumed. He was holding a small envelope and was looking down at it curiously as he walked to me.

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