10. Crying Won't Get You Anywhere...

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We got out on the deck and made our way toward the village with sacks in hand. It was night time, so to our great advantage, the dark would hide us.

"You're sick; you know that?" I whisper-shouted to Christopher when we were making out way to the village up ahead. It was too dark to see his expression, but thanks to the lantern in his hand, I caught a grin playing on his lips.

"I find it quite amusing that you think we should know better."

"Well, pirates can't be all that terrible. Would it kill you to at least try and do a good thing?" I felt like I just wasted my breath. Of course, it would kill them. What pirate would do the right thing? They steal for a living. Men dedicate their lives to be thieves of the night.

And day. That's how they stole me.

Christopher watched the realization come over me and smirked. He didn't say anything about it, but I got a feeling that he was feeling pretty mighty right then.

Eventually, after a walk in complete silence, we came to the first shop: a sweet little bakery.

"You raid bakeries?" I said, stopping in amazement. Maybe they were after the money?

Christopher shrugged. "Who doesn't enjoy a delicate pastry once in a while?" He said, then turned to the few men that came with us. "Alrighty, men, you know what to do."

I covered my ears, expecting them to break a window or something since that was probably the only way in, but no, they turned the doorknob. No violence needed.

You heard me right. All the men did was turn the handle, and they were on their way to the riches. Now, how in the hell did that work?

"How did they do that?" I whispered to Christopher as we stalked inside.

He smirked. "Well, it's a simple concept. You turn the knob and-"

"No, pirate, I mean, how did you know it was unlocked?"

He gave me a dumb look. Oops. "Darling, after being here a few times, you didn't think we wouldn't notice that the baker forgets to lock up? And as pirates, we, of course, use this to our great and wonderful advantage."

"Cap'n, what do ye want us to get?" The man I remembered as Skip asked, opening his sack up.

Christopher shrugged. "The usual." I could only imagine what 'the usual' was. I half expected it to be the whole stock, but instead, I watched as the men only took out a few pastries, tossing them into their sack.

They only took what they needed.

Maybe those men weren't as bad as I thought they were. They were almost...considerate.

I elbowed Christopher in the ribs. "Ruining your reputation there, Captain. So much for the big bad pirate, hmm?"

I guess Christopher didn't appreciate my little comment or the gesture very much because he grabbed my arm and pulled his mouth to my ear so I could feel his hot breath grazing my earlobe.

"Oh, believe me, darling, we are big and bad, just you wait."

For some reason, I felt a shiver rolling down my back. I gulped. He chuckled, still at my ear. "Whatever you are thinking about, believe me, doll, it will happen. You can be sure of that."

I wasn't so sure of anything anymore after he made me feel that way. He pulled away, and I was left colder and less confident than I was before. Damn this pirate fro making me feel that way.

"Cap'n, we've got 'em. Ready te move on," Skip said, tying his sack up and tossing it over his shoulder.

"Adequate. Skip, take three of the men with you to get some meat and the rest of the needed food. Anne, Fish, and Stone come with me. We'll hit the houses."

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