46. Christopher's Pursuit

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It wasn't until midday when I decided to venture out of my room again. I had grown bored pouring myself into the books Daniel had bought me, and I thought it would be a good time to stretch my legs if I was going to stay on this ship for a while.

I approached the upper deck with sweat rolling down my neck. I had mustered up all my courage to talk to Daniel that morning, and I didn't know how to act or speak to him if he decides to start another conversation again.

Would it be wise to ignore him?

That was the plan as I stepped onto the deck. Without even regarding the crew or looking around for Daniel, I headed straight to the ship's ledge. I looked out onto the blue sea ahead. It had warmed it up some with the sun out, and it felt terrific on my face.

I felt right where I was supposed to be and almost forgot this ship was Daniel's.

Suddenly, I didn't feel alone. I felt a pair of eyes on me, and I turned around because of it. Nobody was behind me, and the crew wasn't paying any mind to me, but I still felt the eyes on me, so I looked up at the wheel.

There, a scruffy man minded the wheel, and he was staring straight at me, a blank expression on his face. It was like he didn't care that he was making me uncomfortable. Who was this?

I intended to find out, so I made my way up the stairs to where he was.

"Excuse me, but what business do you have looking at me? Who are you anyway?" I said.

"It's Silas," he said, grumpy, not looking at me. "I work fer that husband of yours."

"He's not my husband."

"Fine. Your fiance then."

"Not that either."

He turned to me, annoyed that I was still there. "Whoever that man is then. He paid a few men and me to work on this ship. Is that it girly?"

"How'd you meet?"

He sighed. "Me and the men were workin' in the shippin' yard. That man asked if a few other men and I wanted a job, and well, here I am! How's that, girly?"

"So Daniel just asked you, not knowing who you are to work on this ship. How do I know you're not going to kill me?" I asked.

"You're not a ghost, are ye?"

"What? I-"

"Then I ain't killed ye. Look, girly, I didn't even know you were on board until I saw ye just now, and now that I know you're here, I'd very much like ye to leave. I have work te do."

I rolled my eyes, but left him alone, heading back down the deck, when I bumped into Daniel himself.

"There you are," he said, realizing who it was. "I was just looking for you."

"Well, you found me. Now, what do you want?" I said sourly. I couldn't help myself. It just rolled out of my mouth.

"Come, I have some clothes that you might want to keep with you." He paused. "Among other things."

"What other... things?"

Daniel thinned his lips and turned around, expecting me to follow him, and I did, trailing behind him. I wanted to know precisely what these 'other things' were.

He led me down the steps towards his private chambers, opening it up to show a newly lived bedroom. It was nothing like Christopher's room where his room was a complete mess, Daniel's was neat. Unlike Christopher, Daniel kept things in order.

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