Chapter 12

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I was pretty much useless in this area, so Laney had to do everything for me. She straightened my hair, did my makeup, and chose a dress for me.

"Laney! How much longer?" I complained.

She fluttered around, adding the finishing touches. "Almost done Olivia. You look so good!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes. I had already accepted the fact that there was no way I would be able to compete with any of these socialites. I just had to look presentable enough that I didn't embarrass Damon.

"Don't look yet!" Laney cried when I tried to peak in the mirror.

I sighed and put on the dress she threw at me. I actually didn't mind the dress; it was a simply black bodycon with spaghetti straps connecting the front and the back. Compared to some of the other monstrosities Laney has shown me, I was more than okay with this one.

"Okay, now look." I took my first look at myself and sucked in a breath.

"Laney! How'd you make me look decent, for once?" I didn't recognize the girl in front of me. My dirty blond hair was completely straight, with one side tucked behind my ear. My makeup was natural, but it looked like I was GLOWING.

She giggled. "It's all you Olivia."

She looked stunning as always, wearing a black dress somewhat similar to mine.

Her phone beeped. "That's my date." She frowned down at her phone. I knew she was disappointed that Gabe still hadn't made a move. I still had to talk to him about that, the poor guy needed to get himself together and get Laney before he lost her.

Laney and I grabbed all our stuff and headed down the stairs. "We're ready!" She announced.

Damon and a guy I didn't recognize were waiting for us at the bottom. My breath caught in my throat when I saw Damon. I forgot how absolutely breathtaking he was. Add that to the fact that he was wearing a tux, and I was basically ogling him.

I snapped out of it. This time, it was his turn to struggle. He was staring at me silently. I looked at him, waiting for him to say something, anything. Even as I walked out the door and to the limo, he didn't speak. I was disappointed. I knew I had no right to be, but a compliment from him would have made my day - my week.

The ride to the gala or whatever it was called was silent. Laney was awkwardly glancing at her date and then back down at her phone longingly. Damon kept glaring at me and looking away. I sighed and looked out the window. New York was pretty in the dark.

We all piled out of the car as soon as we got there. I took a deep breath. I can do this. Damon held out his hand for me. I looked at it with confusion for a second. Oh right. We were a couple.

I relaxed as he gave my hand a comforting squeeze. "Just say close to me and don't talk too much," he mumbled while kissing me on the forehead.

His cologne was intoxicating. I probably sounded obsessed and weird, but I loved his cologne. It was sharp, and almost spicy.

We were at the center of attention tonight, what with our debut as a couple as well as the engagement announcement. It was a little intimidating, especially considering how many girls were glaring at me with jealousy.

I was approached by his mother. "Hi, Olivia dear. Don't worry, I know this must all seem intimidating but people are nice for the most part." She leaned in a little. "Although there are a few I would warn you about."

I laughed a little.

We walked over - well, more like Damon dragged me- over to a couple that was our age. I smiled shyly at them. They seemed pretty friendly.

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