Chapter 32

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I awoke in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. "Damon," I turned to him, shaking him awake. I felt bad waking him up, but I really needed to know.

His eyes were still closed as he turned around and grabbed my hand. "What is it baby?"

"We're not actually engaged, are we?" I whimpered a little. I knew it was too good to be true.

He was fully awake now, looking at me. "We weren't in the beginning. Just wait until you get all your memories back, it'll make more sense then."

I stared at my arms, which were wrapped around my knees. Everything was coming back in pieces, but the emotions were coming back along with the memories. They hit me like a truck and I felt suffocated. I scrambled out of bed, not wanting to sit there anymore.

"What's wrong Liv?" He asked, getting up with me.

I shook my head. "This is all so confusing, I can't just sit there."

He pulled me down the stairs. "Come on, I'll make you a sandwich."

As he pulled out the ingredients, he cracked a small grin my way. "Y'know, this is kind of how our first meeting went."

I nodded. "I remember that. Me getting hurt and then the limo and the sandwich."

Damon pouted. "You also liked Gabe more than me in the beginning."

I laughed. "Of course I did. He didn't come storming into a restaurant after it closed, yelling at me to make him food."

Damon winced a little at that. "Okay, maybe that was my fault. But you did think Gabe was your boyfriend today. That was your fault."

I shoved him lightly with my shoulder and gave him a playful glare. "I lost my memory, what's your excuse."

He laughed and picked up my dish and his. I followed him up the stairs, getting drowsy again.

I passed out and didn't wake up until the next morning. When no new memories returned, Damon insisted I spend more time with him, hoping that it would come back.

Ash and Matt came to visit, and Damon talked to them quietly before they came in to see me. They both looked angry at first, but were smiling by the time the conversation was over.

The entire day was a blur, because all I was trying to do was get my memories back. Nothing happened and Damon and I went to bed again. He kissed me goodnight and promised I would remember something tomorrow.

I was woken up the next morning by Damon. "Liv? Liv, wake up!" I jolted awake, staring at him in fear. "You were crying in your sleep," he explained to me, reaching over to hug me.

"Don't touch me," I shrieked.

He looked at me confused. Then an understanding lit his eyes. "'s not like that, I promise."

I stared at him accusingly. "I left you. I told you I wasn't coming back." The past year had come flooding back to me, but the past week was still a blank.

I started crying. "Why are you doing this to me Damon? You're the one who couldn't say it. You don't get to have me around like that. I'm not your toy."

He pulled me towards him. "Liv, I swear on my life it wasn't like that. Just wait for all your memory to come back."

Even as much as I knew how he hurt me, I couldn't resist him as he hugged me. I leaned into him, still crying. "You kept hurting me. And I just let you."

He rubbed my arm soothingly. "I know baby. I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

I cried myself to sleep that night, trying to ignore the man next to me. It was the same for the next two days, with him following me around like a lost puppy. I didn't know what was wrong, I just couldn't get that last week back.

Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. I grabbed my keys and my phone. "Where are you going?" Damon called from his spot on the couch.

"Away from you," I snapped at him.

Seeing the look on his face, I immediately felt guilty. Despite everything, I still loved him. "Sorry."

He shrugged sadly. "It's understandable that you hate me right now."

I massaged my temples. "Damon, I don't hate you. I don't think I could ever hate you." I groaned and went up to him.

He patted the spot next to him. I was quiet for a minute, trying to figure out how to tell him how I felt. "I just don't understand. Why you brought me back here when you clearly don't feel the same. You couldn't even say the words Damon." I looked at him.

He had unconsciously taken hold of my hand and was softly stroking it with his thumb. "I couldn't at first Liv. I was so scared and didn't understand my feelings towards you. I've never loved anyone in my life except my family. And Gabe, but he's an idiot. But then Gabe knocked some sense into me. And I realized that I do. I love you Liv," he spoke earnestly.

"I said it to you last week and I'll say it again. I love you and I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for not explaining sooner, but last time, you didn't exactly believe me."

I closed my eyes, not really listening to his words. It was all coming back now. Him coming to the restaurant. The guy touching my butt, and Damon defending me. The parking lot. I squealed. "Damon! I remember! I remember everything!"



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