Chapter 4.

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"Will you stop fidgeting with your dress?" Leo says as we walk towards his car.

"I'm sorry it's just i'm a girl who loves scrubs but wearing a dress to a gala" he chuckles and opens the passenger door for me.

"You look beautiful"he smiles down at me as I swing my legs into the car. I blush as he closes the door and walks around the front of his car. Amelia had helped me get ready for tonight and she knew how nervous i was.

Leo and I kept the conversation very comfortable as he drove to where the police gala was taking place, I obviously knew he knew I was nervous for tonight. He's a cop after all.

When we arrived at the place, he helped me out of the car before the valet dude took his car away. He twines our fingers together squeezing gently as we walk up the stairs and give our coats.

"So the captain hosts these gala's?" I ask Leo.

"Yea, he thinks it's nice for all cops in New York to meet up once and awhile"he tells me.

"I wanna say that it's not funny but it is"he chuckles as we enter the big room with all the noise.

"I mean I think it's funny too so but I have no"before he could finish his sentence squeal comes from the side of the room.

"Leo!" Someone squeals, we turn our heads to see a little girl in a black and white dress run over to us. Leo's hand pulls away from mine as he kneels down and picks her up, setting her on her hip. I smile at her.

"Hi Isla"he beams as her arms wrap around his neck.

"Who's that?"she asks looking at me.

"This is Julie"he smiles brightly at me.

"She's pretty"I blush.

"Yea I think so too"he smiles back at me.

"Leo"a new voice says. Leo moves his body so we see a woman in her at least late thirties standing there. Leo sets the little girl, Isla done.

"Mother" he gives her a stiff smile. Her eyes gaze over to me "this is Julie" he introduces me, he turns to me "my mother" he tells me.

"Hello"She smiles at me, we shake hands. "You can call me Stephanie" she smiles. The two of them talk before she drags Isla away.

"I know what your gonna say beautiful"he sighs, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I'm not about to say anything about you and your mother's relationship. Every family is strained" he smiles down at me before looking forward.

"Fucking hell"he sighs, I look forward to see a man coming towards us. If I wasn't so easily scared I wouldn't be trying to hide behind Leo.

"Captain" Leo says as they shake hands quickly.

"You saw your mother already?" He asks in a strict tone. Leo's grip around my waist tightens.

"Yes I have"he nods. He looks my way "this is Julie Griffin" he says. The captain gives me a curt nod before turning back to Leo.

"Don't forget to make conversation, it's already bad enough that my son is late"he says before walking away. I turn in Leo's arm and quirk an eyebrow.

"Yea well now you know why I didn't really wanna come"

"Your Dad is the captain, I think it would've been mandatory for you"I smile, he sighs and presses his lips to my forehead.

"As much as I'd like to step away from this stupid gala I do gotta talk to some people to please my father"

"It's okay, IHOP can wait" I kiss his cheek.

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