Chapter 18.

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I throw my keys onto the table as I entered the apartment going through the mail "hey"Amelia says. I nod as I drop the rest of the mail on the counter and stare at letter from Isaiah.

"Is that from Isaiah?" Amelia asks, I nod as I reach over and grab a carrot from her plate "so what does that boy saying now?" She asks as I flip over the letter.

"Apparently a whole novel" I chuckle as I look at the long letter he wrote me. I wasn't surprised but the two of us tended to send practically novels to each other when he was deployed.

I skim through the first few pages of his letter, it was him telling me that he was deployed somewhere else that's in the US, which I already knew from Mom and Chris.

"So what's the verdict?" My best friend asks.

"Just the normal where he got deployed, which is Malaysia"

"Ouuu fun"

The carrot I was biting into suddenly fell out of my mouth "what? What's the gossip?" Amelia suddenly asks.

"That asshole met a girl!" I squeal as I look up at her. Her eyes widen.

"What? Who? Where's she from?" She asks all these questions.

"Hold on man, I'm still reading" I say "awe"I gush. Amelia rushes over to my side and reads over my shoulder.

"Awe he met a girl on the flight"she gushed.

"And it looks like he goes on about her for a page and a half"I say flipping through the pages quickly.

"I wonder if Colleen knows"Amelia chuckles as I put down the letter.

"Yea I wonder too"I laugh.

"Ask her for me at the dinner, I'm curious"

"Oh you better believe I'm asking, I can't wait till he comes home so we can nag him about it"

"Did the letter say anything about her?"

"Just how she's from Texas, originally New Jersey and how she's going to South America to help kids or something"

"Ouu she's one of those girls"Amelia says, I laugh. "Okay well I'm going to work, wish me good luck"She says.

"Luck"I smile at her as she reaches for her coat and grabs her bag.

"Have fun at the dinner"

"Always do" I smile at her and wave as she shuts the door behind her.
"I think he will love it"I smile at Nellie as we ride up the elevator to Leo's precinct.

"Fridge worthy?" She asks as she held my hand and waved her picture she drew for Leo in her free hand.

"I think it's work desk worthy"I smile at her, she returns the smile with one that's ear to ear. The elevator door opens and suddenly we entered the very busy and chaotic precinct.

"Hey Julie"Rose smiles, she was one of the detectives on Leo's floor.

"Hey"I smile "busy day?" I ask as Nellie pulls on my hand.

"Yea somewhat"she sighs with a smile.

"Daddy!"I hear Nellie squeal before she pulls away from me and I look away from Rose and watch as Nellie runs across the precinct towards Leo who had yet to see her, he was talking to Chief Jameson.

Leo nods and then turns his head finally and sees Nellie running towards him, his tired face lights up immediately as he catches Nellie in his arms.

Rose chuckles "I'll see you later"She says. I nod and say a quick goodbye to her. I walk over to the two as Leo tries to get Nellie to converse with Chief Jameson, but she was still scared of him and I couldn't help but laugh at it.

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