Chapter 19.

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Weeks went by and soon Father's Day was quickly approaching. Nellie wanted do something special so I offered to help her cook breakfast for him considering she was five.

"Yea I'm picking her up right now"I assure Leo.

"Okay, I'm really sorry Jules. I'm just all the way in Brooklyn"

"You don't have to apologize"I chuckle as I exit the subway.

"I really thought I got this whole single parenting done"He chuckles.

"You are never alone Leo"I say.

"Sometimes feels like it"I roll my eyes at him "you just rolled your eyes didn't you?" He asks.

"Oh wow, how did you know?" I ask, he chuckles "I'll call you later"

"Alright, give Nellie my love"

"Always do"I say before we bid a quick goodbye and I enter the daycare. It was chaotic considering they just had lunch I assume.

"Hey Julie"The secretary, Laura smiles at me.

"Hey"I smile and lean on the desk.

"Leo busy?" She asks as she hands me the clip board, I nod.

"He's in Brooklyn right now"I chuckle.

"Well I guess the timing is right, the kids made Father's Day cards"

"Really?" I smile as I sign my name with Nellie's name. Laura nods. "I suppose lots of glitter was involved?"

"Oh I've never seen so much glitter in my life" She says and we laugh.

"She's in room C, you can go ahead in"She smiles.

"Thanks Laura"I say before going to go collect Nellie. As I entered the room, it was very much so chaotic. I looked around until I spotted Nellie in the far corner sitting at a table. I say hello to the teachers and make my way to Nellie.

"Hey sweet girl"I smile as I crouch down beside her.

"Julie!" She squeals, dropping her pencil down and wrapping her arms around me. I chuckle as she sits back down in her seat.

"So what are you writing?" I ask, sliding the sheet closer to me. She was practicing on her letters.

"Letters"she smiles proudly. I chuckle and kiss her cheek.

"Oh so I heard you made cards, did you make one?" I ask fully knowing that she already had one made.

"I did, it's a secret" She says placing her finger over her mouth. And I laugh.

"Okay, so you ready to go?" I ask. She nods and quickly picks up her letter sheets she was working on. I go over to talk to her teachers as she gets her backpack. They both tell me that Nellie spent her free time either reading or learning to write her letters.

"I'm ready!" Nellie announces as she skips up beside me.

"Have a good weekend you guys, and Miss Nellie don't forget to give your daddy your special card" Nora says.

"Don't worry Miss Nora, I won't"She smiles.

"Thanks guys"I smile as Nellie reaches for my hand. We exit the classroom and soon we were leaving the daycare.

"So Nellie, what do you think we should cook for Leo?" I ask Nellie as I hail a cab.

"Waffles?"she asks. "Eggs? And hmm bacon?" I laugh as I pick her up and set her on my hip.

"Okay"I agree "so are you hungry?" I ask as a cab pulls up in front of us. She nods. "Want a big girl lunch or snack?" I ask.

"Can we get pretzels?" She asks as I open the door to the back of the cab.

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