Chapter 22.

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Amelia and I had stayed the night considering Nellie was here and both boys were at working, as of right now the four of us sat at the small table that's considered their dinning table. We avoided the elephant into the room until we finished our breakfast.

"So what the hell is gonna happen with her dad?" Leo asks yawning as he leans back in his seat. Finley was in charge of Amelia's case.

"Well I've contacted some police officers in California and their sending all of what they have on him" Finley says as we watch him stand up. He reaches for his coffee mug and Amelia's, silently asking her if she wanted more. She nods.

"And I build a case from there. I hope that bastard gets himself in jail he had one hell of a punch" Finley scoffs as he pours the coffee.

"I really am sorry for that" Amelia says.

I look up at my boyfriend amused, he wiggles his eyebrows at me. He too noticed their change in interactions.

"Yea well i won't be sorry when I'm throwing his ass in jail" He scoffs and comes back.

"Will the trail be here in New York?" I question, Finley shrugs.

"Most likely unless they wanna bring Amelia down to be a witness but" he shrugs again. I nod before we all become silent.

"So what's the urgent call you got?" I ask my boyfriend who looked exhausted.

"Well it's kinda very confidential but Nellie's case opened up again" he sighs squeezing his eyes shut and sighing.

"What the hell do you mean?" I question mad.

"Her dad came back" He sighs. Finley takes a look at his best friend.

"Okay you know what, I think it's been a long night and I know we could all use a good nights rest" Finley announces. Amelia looks at him.

I cast a glance at my boyfriend "I agree" I nod following Finley's suggestion. The two of us stand up and begin to clear the table, Leo and Amelia making small talk.

"Daddy?" We all hear, Finley and I snap our heads up to the hall from the sink. Leo was immediately to his feet, disregarding his coffee.

"Hi baby" he says and plasters up a smile as he picks her up and sets her on his hip. Everyone in the room watches as the two interact and I can confirm that everyone's heart swelled and broke at the same time considering the news Leo had broke to us.

I place the plate I was holding into the sink, I hear Finley sigh beside me. I look to him and he gives me a tight smile and rubs my back before moving past me.

"I'm heading to bed, I'm exhausted" Finley announces and we all nod.

I watch as Leo yawns again before he smiles at Nellie "okay well, how about I get some food in this pretty girls tummy while you head to bed yes?" Amelia begins as she heads towards my boyfriend.

Nellie begins to pout "sorry pumpkin, I worked all night and I need to get some shut eye" he smiles sleepily at her. She nods and allows Amelia to hold her.

I watch as my boyfriend retreats to his bedroom very tense.

"So how do you feel about eggs Nellie?" Amelia asks as the two come into the kitchen. Nellie makes a face, I laugh.

"We can make waffles and top it all with fruit, maple syrup and whipped cream" I suggest to her. She nods immediately and I smile.
"Well looks like you've had quite the beating this week"my brothers tease me as I settle down beside and across from them. I flip them off.

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