Chapter 9

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"Come on! It'll be fun!" Amelia whines. I shake my head at m boyfriend as he hands me a bowl. Surprisingly all three of us weren't working, Finley was on leave for a few weeks until he was recovered.

"I don't know Amelia, I'm clearly not fit to go to a club"

"He's right you know Mia"

"Ugh you guys are no fun" she whines and flops back on the couch.

Leo and I walk back into the living room, Leo throws Finley a beer and he catches it with ease, I set the popcorn down I made on the coffee table.

"Can we watch something other then hockey please?" I suggest.

"You terrible American"Finley shakes his head at me.

"I agree, I'm gonna put on a movie" Amelia says as Leo pulls me onto his lap as he sits on the love seat.

"Hmm so I've got my parents coming in Leo"

"Really when?"Leo asks as we all watch Amelia scroll through Netflix for a movie.

"Next week, they wanna make sure I'm okay after the shooting" he rolls his eyes.

"That's a bad thing?" Amelia asks as I wrap a blanket around Leo and I. "I'd kill for my dad to come running to my aid"the room got silent for a second.

The boys didn't know much about what Amelia's life like before she moved to New York, they know that she issues with her father and that's all.

"Ouu! Die hard!" I point out trying to break the silence.

"Love that movie"Leo says as Amelia presses play.

"Hey so I know you work tomorrow night but do you think you'll be able to come to lunch with my mom? She's been asking about you"

"Hmm I guess I could let it slide, I love her"he smiles and kisses my cheek.
I watch as Leo steps out to take a phone call "well I must say that Leo is very found of you"Stephanie smiles from across me.

"I would hope so"I chuckle.

"And I must do apologize if our first impressions were strained"she stresses.

"Oh no please it no worry"I smile at her.

"Well I know that everyone's relationship with Leo's father is very strained"

"Every family has their problems" I assure her.

She clears her throat "I had Leo at a very young age and well I had no choice but to settle with his father"

I soon realized what she had meant by her eyes. She had no choice because he was probably abusive.

"But no worries, I'm just happy my baby has found some happiness in his life"I smile.

"He's brought a lot of happiness to me" she beams at me.

"Sorry, that was work" Leo says sitting back down beside me.

"No worries, we were just chatting"

"Oh that's never good"Leo chuckles placing his hand back in mine where it had been placed before he excused himself. "What my mother tell you this time"

"Conversation like that is meant to be kept a secret"I tell my boyfriend and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't worry I didn't tell her anything"Stephanie winks are her son.

"You two are really gonna kill me huh?" I pat Leo on the chest with my free.

"It's what we're here for"he smiles at me and kisses my cheek. We look back to his father and she had a huge smile on her face.

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