Chapter 22

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"B!! WHERE ARE YOU?" We hear someone yelling from a distance

"Oh my god. I told them I would be right back, how long have we been in here?" I ask as I hop to my feet and pull my dress back into place.

Tyler finds his pants and pulls his phone out to check the time. "Uhm, like 45 minutes.. oops"

"Oh man, how am I supposed to sneak out of this room without them noticing?!" My voice beginning to shake with panic. The last thing I need is my friends finding out and then tanner finding out.

"Hey it'll be okay. Just wait until their voices pass and then you leave. I'll wait 5 to leave." Tyler reassures me with a soft kiss on my forehead.
Somehow He always knows what to say.

We listen for Theo foot steps to pass before I exit. I open the door slightly to ensure the coast is clear. I turn my head back and see Tyler's face in the stream of light coming in the crack. His face is flush, his hair hanging in his eyes, his eyes that seemed more blue and fierce than they ever have been before. My god he's beautiful.

"Get going, b. I'll see you out there in a few" he says stepping towards me. He placed a hand on the small of my back to inch me out.


Moments later I reach the gym doors. I check my outfit and hair to make sure nothing looks out of place before entering.

" THERE YOU ARE. JESUS CHRIST B!!" I hear as Brett walks towards me. "Where the fuck have you been you left like an hour ago! Emily went to ask your brother where you've been and he's freaking out!"

"Nooo. No no no. Where is he?!" I demand

"I don't know. Someone saw you go down the arts hall and go into the music room, so he went down there looking for you I think" Brett replied

Anxiety rushes through me as I pray to god that Tyler got out of there on time.

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