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Dear Bestfriend,

Make on more plan without me. I've a knife ready!!!


Your friend.



                                                                         Love: 9   Neville: 11

Its Christmas! My favorite time of year!!!! I sat at the edge of my bed swinging my legs as Neville Crunched on popcorn. I was too scared to eat the popcorn worried I might get some in my new braces! 

We were watching High school Musical One of my Favorite Musicals!

I was so busy in the TV that I almost didn't notice Neville Reaching over to me. Or his hands.

Suddenly the darkness appeared and I shook my head. "Neville!" I tried pulling his hands down but he kept putting them back.

"Your too little to watch such nasty things!" He said, mouth full of popcorn.

"You too!" I whined.

"Am not. I am a double digit! Your still a baby!"

"Am Not! Neville let me see!" 

When he pulled his hands away it was already over. I glared at him as he continued watching the Tv with a satisfied smile on his face. "I hate you."

"Love you too Love bug."

"Don't call me that." I frowned. "Only daddy calls me that."

"Daddy little girl." He said in a mocking tone. I rolled my eyes at him, A new thing i learned from Natalie and scooted to the end of the bed to be away from him.

He stared at the open space and scooted over. I scooted over. He scooted over. I scooted over and-


I fell on my bum while Neville bent over laughing. "Neville stop laughing!"

"I-I oh god I can't!" He hopped off the bed and headed to me sticking his hands out. I ignored it and got up myself.

"Your mean."

"Oh please. I'm the nicest person alive Love."

"More like the meanest" I mumbled. I went back on my bed to see Neville standing there smiling.

"What you smiling for you big idiot?"

"What? I can't smile?"

He started moving closer, popcorn no longer in his hands. I stared at him suspiciously as his fingers wiggled a bit.

My eyes widen when I realize what he was about to do.

"Daddy!" I screamed but it was too late. Neville jumped on me tickling my sides, and any other place he could get.

"Stop I.... Breath!" I laughed trying to squirm out of his grip but his tickles grew more tickilish.

"Whats wrong love bug?"

My dad in the door way along with Mr and Mrs. Stanford. He smiled as Ms. Stanford beamed.

"Let go... I can't! Hahaha!" 

Mr. Stanford roared and jumped on top of us making us scream. "I'm the big bear! I am going to eat you both!"

He then tickled both of us making us laugh so hard.


"Open your birthday gift lovebug." I peeled off the wrapper and it was a diary! 

"A diary? Isn't that too little for you?" Neville asked scrolling down his new phone. I rolled my eyes at him and hugged my dad. "Thank you daddy."

"Write good and let me read your stories!" I nodded. I found out I like creating strange stories. It was a passion I started admiring and my whole room was filled with books. My dad called it being a Author. I guess I took it up after My mom. 

"Your mother wanted to be a Author when she was little too" He told me.

"She didn't achieve that dream because she had the most adorable daughter but now you can achieve that dream."


It was Mr. Stanford turn. He opened the box and held out a stick. 

"What is that?" I asked. Mr. Stanford eyes widen as he stared at Ms. Stanford.

"Really?" He asked,  a smile tugging on his lips. Ms. Stanford nodded and the hugged. Everyone congratulated one another while I was left confused.

"What's going on?" I asked not liking to be left out.

"Neville is going to be a Older brother!"

Neville and I stared at each other In shock.

"A NEW BABY!" I squealed.

"A REPLACEMENT!" Neville yelled.

We stared at him as he starting fuming and stormed up to my room.

I ran after him quick enough before he shut the door. He sat on my bed and was breathing hard.

"Ne Ne?"

"There having another baby! Can you believe that! A baby. Something that cries and takes all attention away. It maybe even take yours!"

I sat next to him and hugged him. "Ne Ne, Your parents are happy. Aren't you?"

"No!" He yelled. It hurted me to see him so upset.

"He or she won't take your attention away. You can't be selfish Neville."

"I am not being selfish!"

"Yes you are! Your able to have siblings I can't because my mom is dead! So buck up and be the bigger person! I would love to have a sister to share my love with my dad it just means, one more person got to experience the happiness you gotten."

Neville looked at me, his eyes softening. He hugged me back, "For your age you sure do have strong words."

"Thought from the best." I giggled. We held each other's hands as well walked down the stairs.

"Oh Neville I am sorry." Ms. Stanford hugged him. Neville hugged her back.

"I can't wait to see baby Neville!" Ne Ne smiled. Mr. Stanford and my dad laughed.

"Sure thing." Natalie kissed his head and pulled both of us in her arms.

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