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Your sweater smells like you....

I know, now you can always have me by your side.



Her eye's lit up as she bit into the dough. Her lashes feathering her cheekbone as her lids closed.

Her lips pursed and a strong heavy moan escaped from her throat through her full lips. I felt my leg cross. 

I chuckled. "You always make such weird sounds." I snorted.

She opened her eyes and rolled her eyes. She licked the corner of her lips and wiped her left cheek with the back of her right hands. She smiled shyly as she looked around too see if anyone heard what I just heard.

"Shut up." She laughed. "I forgot how Funnell cake tasted. God it taste so good."

I laughed rolling my eyes. She took another bite and leaned back. She had some powder on her nose and I shook my head. Like a child.

I leaned over the coffee sized table and licked my thumb, stroking the tip of her nose, removing the white powder. I leaned back in my chair sucking my thumb. Eye brown eyes watched my movement as her eyes widen a bit and her cheeks turned a pink color. I cocked my brow, wondering why she is getting so flustered from something I did since young.


She shook her head biting into her funnel cake, now looking everywhere but my way.

As I watched her I saw new features I never payed much attention to back home in Cali.

Her hair grew thicker, more curlier than before. She inherited her mother's button nose and cute little bird peak top lip. Her cheeks stayed chubby but it made her look more adorable. Her tongue traced over her top lip as she took another bite. Her body too... She had a small waist, that showed in her Denim ripped blue jeans, and Her midriff Black sweater. She wasn't huge in the chest area which I find myself liking. Something that can fit in the palm of my hands is perfect enough for me and her behind... Bubble booty as they call it... I wonder how it jigg-

I rubbed my temples and cleared my throat tightening the way my legs crossed over one another. What the hell am I thinking?

Lovetta looked over at me and raised her brow. "What? Are you ok? You look red."

I ran a hand through my hair aggressively and nodded. "Just need some air." I flinched at the way my voice sounded hoarse and rough. She nodded slowly licking her lips adding more to my frustration.

  I stood up from the table and headed over outside of the small Café.

I leaned my head on the red brick wall as the light chill air blew, making the leaves on the ground circle then fall. The cars beeped and honked as they impatiently waited for the Traffic light to change. People walked and passed by one another without a second glance as they hurried to there destination. Such a busy city. I glanced at the corner of a guy dressed in heavy clothing, pushing a Cart filled with Garbage bags that has cans and bottles inside. He had one shoe on his feet and his skin looked dirty and muddy. He shook a cup in his hand towards people but they just ignored. I felt a pang of pity for the man. I digged my hands in my pocket fishing out some bills. But just as I was about to step into his direction, I bumped into someone. A hot liquid splashed on the surface of my open sweater and bit on my grey shirt.

I cursed, hissing, as I fanned the drench fabric off my chest. It burned as a bitch. 

"Oh my-" I looked up to see a pair of green eyes, "I am so sorry!" She started pulling out napkins and fidgeted on what to do. I took the napkins and wiped my shirt.

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