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You don't realize what you have until you lose it and never see it again.



Do I blame myself? Or do I just stare. If I never left would she still be here? If I wasn't so, "Occupied" I could still see her smile, or would it forever be lost because I wasn't there to keep it in place. 

Beeps. Cries. Yelling. Sobs. Wheel's strolling. Words being spoken. Hands shaking. Never in a million years would I be so excited to hear one voice. It's sad. Now that the light is all on her I see it. They see it. He see's it.

Her lips dry and cracked. Her hair thin and cheek bones visible. Wires through her nostrils too help her breathe and patches on her arms. 

They said she was seriously lucky. That they never expected her to go this far without something ever single human being should be provided with. Food. 

"Her body was slowly shutting down. She went months with out any nutrition's or food in her system. From the looks of it, you can tell she has been filling her self up with liquid such as water, or juice. Mostly water. Too make it worse She lacks sleep which caused the brain to not function properly. It may take some time for her to awake but she would have to stay in the hospital for some weeks just to help her get back on track." The doctor sighed. "Is there any reason she was starving herself?"

The room grew quiet and I raised my head from my hands. I looked up too see Mr. Smith just staring at the floor. Not once did he went over or hold his daughter since we gotten here. My mom just stared at Neville with a blank expression her mouth parted a bit. My dad was at home with the babies and Rose said she couldn't come and she should leave. I wasn't caring about her at the moment. Not when My bestfriend is in the hospital bed fighting for her life.

"He asked you both a question." I barked, making my mom jump out of her skin and Mr. Smith eyes now focused on me.

"I'll give you guy's some time." The doctor glanced at Lovetta and scurried out of the room.

"Why has she been starving herself?" I glared at my mom. "Why were you at the Smith's house and not at bed?"

They both had guilty expressions on there faces. When they didn't answer I was about to confront them with some assumptions I came up with to answer my question when I felt my hand move. 

I looked over at Lovetta too see her eyes half way open. Those beautiful Brown eyes were open staring blankly at me.

"Lovetta?" She just stared. "Are you ok?"

Her eyes flickered to my hands then back at me. "W-w-"

"Water? You need water?" She nodded stiffly and I got up to pour her a glass. I help her sit up and gave the glass to her, watching as she gulped it down in one go.

"Are you feeling better? What happened?"

Her eyes were scrunched up as she rubbed her head. "Can you low your voice?" She croaked. Her eyes glanced up at mom and her dad and then down to the wire's in her arms.

"Where am I?"

"At the hospital."

She looked at me. "Why am I here? What happened?"

"The doctor said you were starving yourself. Why?"

She coughed and I poured her another glass. She drinked this one more slowly. 

"I-I wasn't."

"Your lying."

"How would you know!" She coughed. "You were gone." 



"Can I talk to my daughter for a moment please?"

I looked up too see Mr. Smith watching Lovetta. I nodded stiffly and got up and followed my mom out the room. When the door closed and we took our seats, I turned to her.

"Mind telling me what's going on here?"

My mom looked at me with watery blue eyes and her lip trembled. "I should of helped her I should of-" She sobbed. I sighed and pulled her in my chest.

I know how you feel mom. Soon, Mr. Smith walked out the room, his hand covering his mouth as he walked pass us. Mom stood up but I shook my head and sat her right back down.

"Give him time ma."

I walked in Love's room too see her crying. I crawled in the bed careful not to hurt her and pulled her in my chest.

"I am so sorry Lovetta. I should of been there more for you. I love you so much and I always will. I know you can't forgive me but-"

"I forgive you."

I looked down at her wet brown eyes and smiled and her pressing our nose together when I pulled back I scrunched my nose.

"Your breath smells like death." She giggled. I smiled. "And your breath smells like Cow ass."

I frowned and she laughed even more but coughed. I hugged her and pressed my chin on her head.



2 months later:

He kept his promise and never left my side. I sticked to him closer than before now, maybe because he is leaving soon for college and I still have 2 more years to go? Or maybe my feelings for him deepened through out the days that passed us. Each time Breakfast, lunch, or dinner arrived he always was by my side feeding me despite the amount of time I told him I could feed myself. 

My dad cooked extra food giving me extra on my plate but when I couldn't eat all he would sadly put the food away. I know he felt guilty but it wasn't his fault and I told him that.






"Say 'Hey' One more time and you won't be able to eat your favorite cupcakes."

I frowned pushing him away and crossing my arms like a little child. I heard him sigh and soon enough his huge arms wrapped around my neck, nose buried in the crook. "You can say 'Hey' I love your voice anyways."

My face heated fast and I bit my lip hoping he doesn't notice. God if he only knew how much his words affected me.

I always wondered if he maybe just a bit felt the same way?

(Edited the mistakes only a few...May edit in future. Please vote and comment! I want to hear you guys opinions. If its bad i'll take it...)

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