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A true man deals with all your baggage even if its too much.



The car ride was quiet. Usually I like it, but its just so uncomfortable and irritating to hear someone that talks soo much be so quiet. I admit, what I did was extremely foolish and if our positions were reversed I knew she would stay and explain. But I just had to be the pussy.

I wanted to talk to her about what happened. I needed to. Maybe to make it easier to look at her the same because no matter how much I try to, she just couldn't go back to the old Lovetta in my eye's anymore. Her real features were glowing and are more visible to me now.

Her brown hair now naturally curly with blonde dye streaks in a few areas. Her legs flawless and creamy, soft to the touch and eye catching, her shorts rolled up to show her thighs more making it really hot in here, despite all 4 windows rolled down and the wind blowing. Her head was bobbing to the music in her ears through her white ear piece, and her hair blowing, dancing with the wind. In the corner of her eye's held a black mole, similar to mines and her lips were more plump, bitable looking. She was extremely different from the 15 year old girl that starved herself and landed in the hospital. She was 18 and she wasn't a child anymore. 

And neither was i.

I groaned pressing the gas when I saw traffic was ahead. Car's were beeping and The sky was growing darker. 

It's been 5 hours and she hasn't said a word. 



"Lovetta I know you can hear me." She shifted in her seat to make her legs prompt up on the dashboard and her hands tracing up and down on her thigh, head still bobbing to the music blasting in her ear. Her mouth was moving, singing along to the words. Her damp, wet lips...

I rubbed my temple and grabbed the water. I took some in my mouth, swallowed, repeated the movement, but did something different. I turned to Lovetta, my mouth puffed up filled with water and spitted out everything onto her.

Her body jerked, legs falling, ear piece flying out her ears, phone falling onto the ground. Her hair had droplets on it and her top was damped just a bit. Her eye's were closed and her mouth opened in shock.

I wanted to laugh but it wasn't the time. She turned to me and I could see the rage burning in her brown eyes.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. YOU!" She screeched. The driver glanced over at us in the car besides us, turning away as he saw me noticing.

I smirked. "You didn't last. You talked to me."

Her mouth opened and closed like a fish. "I will do more than not talk to you Neville. Watch and see. Your such a fucking jackass I hate -"

"I'm sorry." Welp. That shut her up.

"I know what I did was childish, and you would of did the opposite-"

"Damn right."

"-But on the bright side, you didn't get caught." I smiled shyly, hoping I got to her.

"That's because I am 18 and I wasn't the only one that did something that night." She mumbled.

"What you mean?" I pressed on gas to move up as the traffic was slowly moving. How many people were heading to New York?

"Dad had sex."

I looked at Lovetta. "Wait for real? He still could thrust?"

Lovetta slapped my arms and I laughed. "What?"

"Your dad manage to pop 3 of you guys in your mom so shut your mouth."

I nodded. "True, but its just funny. So no warning?"

"Nah, he knew I would watch it one day. His words not mines."



The car got silent again. "So.."

I heard her sigh. I glanced at her too see her playing with our fingers.

"Look we have to talk about it someday. Why not be today while there traffic."

She looked up and cursed. "I hate traffic now."

"Now? You used to like it?"

She laughed nodding. "You know how I am. When there's traffic, I pull out a book and read."

I laughed. "Yeah, I still can't get around the fact how you love to read the ending first of a book before the beginning."

She shrugged. "Because, I want to know what's going to happen before I begin my journey. Its like knowing the future before your born so you'll know what's to waiting for you."

I chuckled. "What?"

I shook my head and looked at the brown eye's staring at me. "Nothing its just, You are really good with words it amazes me." Our eye's connected longer that intended. Her fingers tucked a piece of her hair behind her ears and I cleared my throat.

"I' hope I get that a lot when I become a Author."

"Wait you just changed the subject!"

She groaned and I shook my head. "Your not slick. Like I said-"

"Were going to have to talk about it someday blah, blah, blah I know I know!"

I nudged her shoulders. "What's there to talk about?" She asked staring at me.

"Oh I don't know, We both played with ourselves by one another. I don't want things to get awkward between us." I moved up a bit. "It didn't mean anything right?"

She cleared her throat. "Yeah of course not." 

"Good." I smiled. "Music?"

If only I knew. Knew how much my words hurted her more than she was already broken.



I took over as driving. His head was tilted my way, his hair falling in his face. Blue hair made him look dorky, But the light stubble on his jaw made him...hot. His piercing ear's strengthening the bad boy look and his tattoos. I just wanted to reach out and trace it.

But those were things I couldn't do anymore. At least not while he was conscious. 

His words were like sharp knives that driven through me and didn't have a brake pedal. He say's i'm good with words it amazes him? 

Well Neville, Your words are so deep it pains me more than you can imagine. Its like I have these moments. Limited, time changing moments. The thought of you sends me wild and hot, yet when I am around you, I mentally am shy, scared, watching what I say. Hurting you is like eating the poison apple Snow White was given, but the only difference is, I know what I'm getting myself into.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and I quickly raised my hand to wipe it.

Don't you see? See that no matter what it takes, No matter how or how much my heart breaks...

"I will be right here waiting for your dumb ass to see. See me how I want you too see me and not as something else. I love you, you ass hole yet the saying out there in this world is true when it come's to our situation... Love is a blinding thing."

I swallowed my pain once again and put a smile on my face. I turned lanes, heading into the lane that leads us into New York.

I stretched my hands by his cheek and stroked it. The warmth and softness of it made my fingers lingered. 

"Wake up, Were here."

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