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Hate is heavy. Let it go.



"It's your birthday! How are you not excited?!"

I rolled my eyes and stuffed my mouth with chocolate. "Last time we went to a club, The guy I grinded on Got beaten up by Neville. Plus, I stopped celebrating my birthdays when I turned 16."

Mickey groaned and I shrugged. "Please Lovetta? Your turning 19 for god sakes."

"Everyone turns 19 mickey."


I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ways. "Your birthday is in a week, at least think about it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Under one condition."

"What?" Mickey grabbed my bag of chocolate covered pretzels and I swatted his hands away. "I want Enel."

"I can't do that?'

"Why not." I pouted sitting in front of him. "I miss my boyfriend."

He rolled his eyes and flicked my nose. "Go find yourself a real boyfriend and not my nephew!"

"You go find your self a real boyfriend." 

"I did thought it's none of your business."



"How much did you pay the poor guy? I bet he is regretting it this minute"

"Fuck you."

I laughed. "Love you too." I stood up and grabbed my towel. "I want my baby."

"Go fuck Someone and make it."

"I did!"

"Just go shower. You stink."

"Your upper lip." I yelled back.

"Your ass cheeks."

"Your dick."

"Your pussy."

"My pussy smells good for your information."

"Yeah right, prolly smell like fish."

"Your fucking armpits smell like Fish with a side dish of rotten Ranch. And your pickles breath ain't bring you places either so go fuck off and let me take my shower in peace!"

"You started it!"

I slammed my dorm room and headed down the hall to the showers. I set my deodorant down and placed my under garments under my lotion. I hopped in the shower grateful for no one here.

I rubbed my hair with shampoo, thinking of Neville.

Does he regret that kiss? Why did he kiss me in the first place? 

I sighed and rinsed the products off, I grabbed my conditioner and the stalls filled with the scent of Apple.

I finished off and dried my skin, letting my wet hair drip. I put my Deodorant on and slipped on my Bra and Panties. I wrapped my towel back over me and decided to finish lotioning my skin in my dorm. 

I headed back and found Mickey munching on my snacks, hurrying up and stuffing his mouth full.

"You damn Rat! You owe me 10 bags of Chocolate Pretzels! And 11 white chocolate covered pretzels."

He finished chewing and rolled his eyes. "Damn you fat."

I threw my towel on the bed and tapped my stomach. "I know. Now give me 22 dollars so I can get my snacks back."

"Use your own money! And what bag of these cost fucking 22 dollars?"

"I'm getting 22 so do the maths!"

I slipped on my grey dress, digged through the boxes and pulled out my favorite pink timberlands and combed out my hair. It was wavy and I was thankful for putting it in braids the night before. I left it down and grabbed my Rainbow bag and pulled out the flowered crown. I rested it over my head and Grabbed my Light blue jeans jacket. I sprayed some perfume on and connected my sliver chain around my neck.

Mickey looked up and whistled. "Damn. Where you going?"

I shrugged. "I'mma just wonder around. Celebrate my birthday the way I want to before people go and deciding where I should go."

"I thought you said you don't celebrate."

I sticked my tongue out. "I lied."

I grabbed my phone, charger, and blue tooth headphones. I blew a kiss to Mickey leaving the room before yelling.

"Don't forget to lock up."

"Have fun!"


I went back to the ice cream parlor and waited in line. I wrapped my jacket around my waist and moved my hair to one side over my shoulders. I scrolled through Instagram and saw that 874 people already liked my picture I took outside earlier.

I read some of the comments before landing on one. 


"Have fun. You look beautiful."

I felt my cheeks heat up and I shook my head. No Lovetta. Your giving up remember?


I walked up and smiled. "Hi can I have a chocolate mint icecream? Cup please."

"What size and any toppings?"

"Mm, Medium and no thank you. Just extra chocolate chips please."

The girl nodded and I stepped aside for the next person to order.

"We meet again. I guess we should just make this our spot."

I looked up too see the same guy from last time I was here with Enel. His hair was swept back this time and he was wearing Ripped black jeans, Original Timberlands on his feet, Red and black plaid shirt wrapped around his waist and A red no sleeves shirt with a black design on the front. He was wearing a black hat backwards, A piece of his hair sticking out. He was badass looking and I felt my self staring.

"Done staring love?"

I blushed and sticked my phone in my jacket pocket. "yep."

He raised his brow and smirked at my response. His eyes roamed my body and I shifted.

"You don staring?"

He laughed. "Never."

I rolled my eyes but play my lips. "Are you stalking me?"

I scoffed. " I should ask you that."

"Ha ha Very funny." My eyes flicker to his hands to see the ring still there. I guess he noticed because he pulled it off.

"I'm not married." I was shocked he remembered my question. "My father gave it to me before he died. It just touched a spot and I walked off. My apologies."

I waved my hands, "No, no. It just wasn't my place to ask." I smiled. "I would say sorry for your loss but its just a boring thing to say so i'll say..." I stroked my fake mustache. He chuckled and I smiled.

"Join me on my wandering around New York city?"

His brow raised. "Where you planning on going?"

"My birthday is next week and I want to enjoy it before people start deciding for me. With homework piling on my shoulders, I think I should spend my day off for myself."

"Oh, happy birthday. What school do you go to?"

"NYC university. And thanks...."

"Leonardo. Nice to meet you..."


He smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat.

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