Chapter 7: Disappointed

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Luigi was excited. He finally gets to spend some time with his brother. It's been weeks since they did so he felt really happy. "We can probably watch those shows that we have backed up on our DVR". Luigi also noticed that Bowser was in a good mood. It's not every day when you get to hang out with Peach. "Oh, I'm finished work". Bowser glanced over at Luigi trying not to make it seem that he was in a good mood. "Ah yes, see you tomorrow". Luigi walked out and quickly made his way home so he could get everything prepared.

Luigi got home and got himself ready for when Mario came home so they could binge all their shows. Luigi sat all giddy, he didn't like being home by himself all the time, and since he lives the farthest from everyone, people barely come over. "This is going to be great". Mario was going to be home in five minutes and he was starting to get antsy. He was reminiscing about all the times they would hang out together and how much fun they would have. He knew deep in his heart that they would have a blast.

- 2 Hours Later -

Luigi sighed as he finished the last few episodes of his show. The popcorn he had gotten an hour ago was all gone and he started to feel nauseous from it. "I shouldn't have eaten all that". He got up and with the minuscule strength he had left cleaned up everything as if he was never sitting there. His heart was a dark hole that felt like it was dying from the inside out. Mario lied to him. He thought today was going to be a fun day, but it turned out to be like every other day, miserable. Luigi got upset because Mario's excuse was most likely he was with Peach. He got angry at the thought that, that broad is ruining the bond between them. He saw a picture of them both sitting on a desk in their living room. Seeing how happy they were made him furious. He smacked the picture off and the glass on the frame cracked. He sighed and got a broom to sweep it up and toss it in the trash. "He has plenty of pictures, wouldn't be hard to replace that". He walked in his room and slammed the door, falling on his bed feeling the cloud of sadness cloak him. "I should've expected this to happen". Luigi felt his eyes slowly shutting and he fell asleep.

The next morning Luigi walked into work with a very annoying attitude. He really didn't want anyone bothering him at all. Not even Mario. He walked into Bowser's office and he noticed that Bowser looks very tired. "Good morning", Luigi said trying to spark a conversation. Bowser just glanced back at him saying nothing. As Luigi sat at his desk, Mario came into the office. Luigi instantly got very mad and turned his head so he wouldn't have to face him. "Here is the paperwork from last night", Mario said. He placed it on Bowser's desk and he glanced at him. Mario rolled his eyes as he sighed going back to the door. Luigi got even more upset because he didn't even say 'good morning' to him.

Bowser and Luigi sighed in unison as seeing Mario ruined the whole day. Luigi got up from his desk and walked out of the office."I'll be right back". As he walked out he saw Peach walking with Toadsworth. "Good Morning you two". They both said good morning back. Luigi joined them both on their walk since he needed to ask Peach something. Once at Toadsworth's office he spoke. "Hey Peach, do you know where Mario could have been last night"? "Oh, he was with me while I was filling out paperwork with Bowser". He knew it, Mario couldn't spend one minute away from her. After that Mario showed up. "Toadsworth, you wanted to see me"? He nodded and spoke to the three. "Now coming with my old age it's becoming rather difficult to do the main load of the hospital work myself. So I extend the opportunity to the four head Doctors. But I'm not sure who". "Well I'd like to say I decline the offer, not only am I ahead Doctor I'm also a princess", Peach said. Toadsworth nodded," so that's 3 left. "I decline because I'm not ahead Doctor", Luigi said jokingly. Mario gave Luigi a very disappointed glare that made Luigi quiet down his chuckles. "I would be honored to take the position", Mario said. Luigi was shocked," What about Bowser and Wario, I don't think it would be fair to make that sort of decision without them". Mario shot Luigi yet another grim look. Toadsworth thought for a moment," Well Wario is out of the question simply put-". Toadsworth got up from his desk and pulled up a shade that looked across to Wario's office. Luigi sighed as he saw Wario was fast asleep at his desk. Toadsworth went back to his desk," However I do think Mario is most suited for the job". Mario nodded in excitement," T-Thank you, sir". Mario and Toadsworth continued to talk and Luigi left-back to Bowser's office. As he left he noticed Waluigi outside the door leaning on a wall. "What are you doing". "Counting stars....I'm eavesdropping go away". (Can't blame him for being honest).

"Where were you", Bowser asked. Luigi was just getting back from that mini-meeting. He wasn't sure if he should tell Bowser the news. "I was with Mario, Toadsworth, and Peach". "Why, was there a meeting I knew nothing of"? Luigi sighed, "Well they wanted to decide basically the new assistant CEO". "Soooo who did they pick, I'm sure they thought hard about this", Bowser said sarcastically. "They chose Mario, you and Wario weren't even considered". Bowser got quiet and growled digging his claws in his desk. "You know your good for nothing brother stayed here yesterday, basically chaperoning Peach as she worked with me, it was extremely invasive". Bowser got up from his seat and made his way out the door. Luigi was curious about what was about to happen until he heard yelling. He peeked out the office and saw Bowser and Wario arguing with Mario, Peach, and Toadsworth. "That's unfair how he gets to be assistant CEO we didn't even get a chance", Wario said. "I agree, I think I'd be a better option than him", Bowser sniffed. "Well I chose Mario since he has More work ethic than you Wario, we saw you asleep". Wario blushed in embarrassment and growled under his breath. "And Bowser, you're king, surely you wouldn't want to take more work than you already have". Bowser smirked," I beg to differ". Toadsworth was quite making Mario a bit nervous. "In fairness Mario well just have to see how Bowser handles being assistant CEO, you both will be my assistants for two weeks and then I'll decide". "But Toadsworth-", Mario tried to argue. "Mario you know that it would be not right to make you Co-CEO without The input of everyone". Toadsworth walked away with Peach and Wario walked away with Waluigi. Mario gave Bowser a very displeased look and Bowser smirked back. "Come now Luigi we have work". Luigi looked at Mario as he gave him a very agitated look before leaving.

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