Chapter 20: Mixed Feelings

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Luigi woke up to the smell of breakfast invading his nose. "Mario must be cooking". Luigi came out of the room and saw Mario sitting at the table. Luigi sat with him grabbing the breakfast that Mario had made for him as well. Mario was still in a very obvious bad mood and didn't even talk to Luigi, he just sat there sulking. "I'm guessing you don't have work today"? Mario nodded stirring his spoon in his coffee. Luigi felt bad that Mario was feeling so down, but he couldn't think of anything nice to say to him to get him up. "I'm going to work now, see you tonight". "Yeah... tonight". Luigi walked to the door and looked back at his sulking brother before heading out.

Luigi arrived at work and was stunned. Peach was talking to Bowser and she looked very serious. (What's going on)? Peach walked off and Luigi walked up. "Peach was talking to you I thought she didn't like you". Bowser nodded," Yes we were able to converse more on the trip I apologized for my actions and asked that we leave that behind us". Luigi smiled, that's good, I'm glad you two worked out your differences. Bowser nodded and smiled, he turned away from Luigi and gave a devilish smirk. They both walked to his office where they started to work. "How's Mario doing"? Luigi was too deep in worry to respond. He was wondering what he could do to make him feel better. "Luigi". He jumped to the sound of Bowser's voice. "Oh... I'm sorry, he's ok". "Something wrong". Luigi sighed, he didn't want to tell Bowser. Bowser got up and walked to Luigi comforting him. "You can tell me, I might have some ideas that could help him". Luigi explained to Bowser how Mario and Peach got into an argument which resulted in them breaking up. He even explained how he wanted to help his brother. "That sounds terrible, I'm sure with you with him he'll feel better". Luigi smiled, "I hope so". "I have to run a quick errand, watch my office". Luigi nodded going back to work. Bowser walked out and laughed. "That was easy, time to stir the pot a little bit". Bowser walked to Peach's office walking in as she was working. "Bowser, what's wrong"? "I have to tell you, something Princess".

Luigi got up from his desk and walked out to take a quick break. "I wonder where Bowser went"?

Peach felt utter despair from Bowser's words. Bowser didn't think she'd believe him but given the reaction, it worked like a charm. "It was nice talking to you Peach, I look forward to drinking tea with you. She nodded as she stared at a picture of her and Mario. Bowser walked out and he heard her light sobs. "I hate to make you cry, but it's for your own good, soon you'll be mine and happiness would be inevitable".

He came back to his office being quickly handed a box. "What's this". Luigi smiled," I was out so I grabbed lunch". Bowser looked inside and it was all his favorite food, he never told anyone what his favorites were. "I saw you eating that a couple of times so I assumed that you like it a lot". Bowser smiled and gave his thanks. As he went to eat he thought about how to ditch Luigi when Peach is his. He found it amusing that he was toying with his heart, I'd make throwing him away so satisfying.

After they finished their lunch Luigi had gone home for the day. "See you tomorrow". Bowser waved goodbye as he left. A few moments later Peach arrived. Bowser was thrilled to see her. She had tea prepared and everything and they both started to chat. Throughout the chat, Bowser felt strange. A sick feeling started to grow to make him feel nauseous. It wasn't the food since it was made the same way he always gets it. (It couldn't be Peach, because ....she....). They continued to chat as Bowser started to grow more and more uncomfortable. What made it worse is that Peach was ranting about Mario and not really focusing on him. (This doesn't feel like the date I imagined. They both finished their tea and Bowser packed up his things to leave. "Sorry I seemed so upset today, Mario just *sigh*". "It's fine Princess, we can chat some other time".

Bowser was upset, but still happy because he was able to be so close to Peach without her yelling at him. Then Luigi popped in his head and he started to blush. "ugh what am I thinking, I'm gonna ditch him soon". It was strange the more he thought about Peach, the stronger his thoughts for Luigi interfered. (Grrrr stop it Brain). As he got home Jr. Was playing games on the couch. "Papa"! He ran to give his dad a hug. "Hey kiddo what have you been up to". "I'm playing this game that I and Mr. Luigi were playing yesterday". "That sounds like fun". "Can you ask Mr. Luigi to come over again soon please". Bowser smiled and patted his head, "I'll ask him tomorrow ok". Jr jumped for joy before returning to his game. Bowser would remember back when he kidnapped the princess, Jr never really liked her. He would always hide somewhere or talk to her in a disrespectful manner, same for when that one time he kidnapped Mario. He didn't understand why Jr. Liked Luigi, is there something he's missing.

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