Chapter 18: Babysitting For a Day

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Luigi was on his way to Bowser's Castle to take care of Bowser Jr for the day. Although he was only at the Hotel for a day he still managed to relax a bit. "Ok, I'm here". Luigi has been to Bowser's Castle many times in the past so visiting it casually felt a bit weird to him. The guards in front let him inside and escorted him to Bowser's living quarters. He's never been there before so he was anxious to see where Bowser relaxed within his Castle.

"Here you are the Prince should be home shortly", A guard said. Luigi gave his thanks towards the guard and he walked closer to Luigi. "Well be keeping a close eye on you, so don't try anything funny". Luigi gulped and nodded. The guards walked out closing the door behind them leaving Luigi to explore the quarters more. He was amazed at how well kept everything was. So clean and well lit that it brought out the beauty of the home. The dark colors of the brick wall along with the red and white accent rugs and furniture made the home really cozy. "I guess I'll sit here and wait". Luigi sat on the couch and turned the TV on which was way bigger than the one he had in his house. (I wonder how Jr is). He heard the front door open and saw Bowser Jr stare at Luigi. "Hello-". "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK". Bowser Jr. Quickly jumped onto Luigi's leg and started to bite him. Luigi barely felt any pain and started to laugh as it actually tickled. "Wait hahaha I'm here to babysit hahaha you". Bowser Jr jumped off and eyed Luigi. "You're MY babysitter". Luigi nodded," Yes I am, you're dad asked me to watch you for today. "Ok now, since I'm guessing you came from school so how about we start your homework". Jr turned his head away in defiance," You can't tell ME what to do this is my Castle". Jr ran off to his room and slammed the door. (This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought). Luigi walked to Jr's room and knocked on the door. "Hey um, what would you like for dinner". He cracked the door open and growled at Luigi. "I want Chicken nuggets and Ice cream Make it for me right now peasant".

-------------- Flashback

"So is taking care of Jr hard". "He's a delight, well to me and his grandfather, but you'll do fine. Just make sure you don't give him Chicken nuggets and Ice cream for dinner, he tries to get that from our cooks but it's too unhealthy for him".


"Well, your dad said you can't have that". "Well, you're not my dad so make it now dummy". He closed the door again and Luigi sighed. "I'll make him a healthy dinner".

Luigi put together a really well-made dinner with a large steak and mixed veggies. "Jr dinner is ready". He heard Jr run out of his room and looked at the food. "I don't want it", Jr said turning away. "Well, you have to eat something". "Well, I want something else your food sucks". Luigi was getting a bit frustrated with Jr since he didn't want to cooperate. "Well, you need to eat stop being stubborn". Jr ignored Luigi and walked off to watch TV. Luigi followed him and shut the TV off. "C'mon you have to eat dinner aren't you hungry". "You're not the boss of me". He turned the TV back on and Luigi turned a bit off. Jr had it, "You stupid stupid green poopy head you're not being nice you're mean, I WANT PAPA". Jr started to flail on the ground yelling and screaming for his Dad. "Jr cut it out". Luigi tried to calm him down, but Jr decided to kick Luigi's leg making him fall while running to his room. (Little brat grrr). Luigi followed him upstairs and into his room where he was hiding under his bed. He got on his hands and knees and saw him still angry. "Let's go eat, please". Luigi put his hand under the bed and Jr bit him. "YOUCH"! (I'm gonna have to take an aspirin after this, think Luigi think). An Idea popped into his head. "Jr. Come from under the bed I have something to show you it's really cool". Jr slowly crawled from under the bed and sat in front of him with a very displeased look. Luigi showed both of his hands and wiggled his finger. He then placed one hand behind Jr's ear and pulled a coin out. Jr jumped on his feet looking at the coin and then Luigi. "how did you do that tell me at once". "I would show you, but you haven't even eaten dinner yet so I don't think the trick will work. Jr quickly ran out of the room and to the dinner table. Luigi followed a bit after he chuckled upon his success. He watched Jr eat all his food in a fast but timely manner. He finished his food with a small burp. "Now show me". Luigi explained the trick to Jr and he tried to do it as well. But when he did a small coin came out of Luigi's ear. "Why isn't mine big like yours". Luigi smiled," hmmm well the coin will probably get bigger if you do your homework and took a bath".

Luigi sat at the table with Jr and helped him with his homework. "And then you do this and that's your answer". "I never knew that Papa isn't good at math so he never shows me how to do it". Luigi sighed as he remembered that all the paperwork he got from Bowser did nothing but math. "Ok now that you're done, let's take a bath now".

Luigi sat outside the bathroom as he heard Jr taking a bath splashing in the water. "Are you getting clean". "Yes". Luigi helped dry Bowser Jr and groom his hair. "Now let's see that trick again. Jr did it again and his eyes sparkled with joy as he pulled out a coin from Luigi's ear that was bigger than his. "I'm better at the trick than you are my coin is bigger". "Good job". Luigi gave him a high five. "Now how about we play a couple of games before you go to bed". Jr nodded and quickly ran over to the TV to turn on his game console.

Luigi and Jr played the various amount of games and Jr seemed to have a more respectful attitude toward Luigi. They enjoyed the time they spent together. Jr yawned as he obviously was starting to nod off. "Uh oh looks like someone is sleepy". Jr gave a pouting face and yawned again," I'm not sleepy Mr. Luigi *Yawn* I wanna play more". Luigi picked up Jr. As he carried him to his room. (Geez he's a bit heavy). "I tell you what maybe we can play more another time ok". Right after he said that Jr was snoring away in his ear. He placed Jr gently on his bed and tucked him in. "That wasn't so bad". He went back to the living room and laid on the couch. "*Yawn* I'm exhausted".

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