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Inaya's POV

My eyes slowly open up, half expecting everything was a horrible nightmare.

Once my eyes adjust to the darkness, to my horror and a sort of a relief, I'm still in the SUV.

"E-excuse me..." I quietly call out.

"Oh, look, Benny. The Princess is awake." The man on the passenger seat says.

My head feels like it's been through whiplash. After a couple of seconds, I try to focus on my surroundings by looking out the window.

Everything is dark and I don't see anything but trees and empty fields.

I gulp, what will be my fate from here on out?

"I'm sorry to interrupt but... w-where are w-we going?" My voice comes out like a squeaking of a mouse.

If I'm going to be... killed, I might as well know right now so I can really think over everything.

The one in the driver's seat, which I now know is named Benny, snorts. "She's real polite for a chick who's been kidnapped, don't ya think, Lenny?"

Lenny looks back at me and there was a slightly look of pity that crosses his eyes for a split second. "You'll know when we get there, Princess."

• • •

I sit quietly in the back of the car for what feels like an eternity, but in reality, it must've been 15 to 20 minutes.

The whole ride, I was itching to just jump out of the moving vehicle, jump out to my freedom but I know I'd never be able to outrun any of them. It'll only lead to more problems. I can't be causing even more problems.

Once the car stops, both Benny and Lenny get out of the car.

I slightly giggle because how in the world did I end up in such an absurd situation?

And why do Benny and Lenny's names rhyme? Are they brothers? Are they just friends? Are they nicknames? Did they come up with the names on purpose?

I'm 90% sure I'm going insane because I'm more concerned about Benny and Lenny's name origin story rather than thinking about my life or death situation.

Benny opens the car door. "Get out."

I just stare at him, blinking.

"Didn't you hear me?" He says. "Get out of the car."

I quickly stumble out of the car, holding my hijab tightly out of nervousness.

"Wait here." He points beside another identical looking black Cadillac Escalade SUV. "You'll be switching to this car in a few minutes."

He was about to leave when he abruptly turns around on his heel. "Oh, and don't even think about running. Look around you, there's nowhere where we won't be able to catch you."

I nod as I stand beside the door of the other SUV, while he walks inside a small shed.

I wasn't planning on running... even if I wanted to, I'm surrounded by empty fields; there's visibility for miles ahead and all around.

I could be shot dead within seconds.

The shed is small but there's enough light surrounding it for me to be able to see my surroundings clearly.

I would love to run around in such an area one last time, with the wind blowing through me, fresh air filling my lungs; no worries, no anxiety, the feeling of freedom running through my veins.

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