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Inaya's POV

I run out of the room, stumbling over my feet. I grab ahold of every wall, to keep myself on my feet.

Once I manage to make it to my room, I shut the door and lock it.

I run to the washroom to clean myself up, only to stare at my reflection in the mirror and see a girl who's slowly losing her mind.

"This man's insane... They're all insane! This whole place is cursed!" I cry out for anyone to help me. "I want to leave! Please, God, I want to leave! I can't take it anymore! I don't have the strength to keep stumbling onto such gruesome things. I can't..."

"You don't much of a choice, now so you, amore mìo?" Dominic's leaning against the frame of my washroom door.

"B-but I... I l-locked..."

"... the door? Did you forget who's house you're living in?" He smirks.

I'm such an airhead sometimes.

He walks towards me and cups my face with his hands with sudden softness, making my heart skip a beat. He uses his thumbs to delicately wipe away my continuous tears.

His brown eyes, still cloudy yet in its most softest form I've ever seen it. I could stare at them forever in a trance that I would voluntarily choose.

"Did that scare you?" His tone is surprisingly... gentle.

"That was terrible... What you did to that man... what you said..." My lips tremble as the images flash through my mind.

He gently pulls me into his chest, the confusion of all of this only grows within me.

"You weren't supposed to see that." He says.

"I'm sorry...?" I couldn't even apologize properly because my mind is in jumbles. I don't know why I apologized. It's just a sentence that I've become used to. I just apologize for everything.

He just held me, just like that, for a quiet moment; for a humane moment.

I feel my insides tingle as it becomes hard to breathe but not from being uncomfortable. This is a different feeling. I almost feel like I'm floating.

I don't know what switches this part of him on but I want to find the switch to keep it this way.

"Where did you go a few days ago?" He asks.

My heart stops beating. I stay silent not because I don't want to answer, but because my words are stuck in my throat.

"I asked you a question." The edge in his voice is back.

"N-Nick and I... He took me out for lunch." I answer quietly.

He grabs me by my arms and shakes me violently. "Even after I specifically told you not to go fucking around without my permission?"

And just like that, the beautiful delicacy that was lingering in his sweet brown eyes has disappeared.

"I didn't do anything, I swear! It was just for lunch and then we came straight home—"

"You had orders from me and you disobeyed them, you whore!" He yells, making me flinch.

"I'm s-sorry. I didn't do anything with him!" It shouldn't matter if I did anything or not! Dominic hates me, so why does he get so worked up over this?

"You won't learn this way... Come with me!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me behind him.

• • •

Dominic's POV

I can't fucking believe this bastard had the guts to double-cross me. He chose the wrong person to betray.

He's begging like a pathetic dog as if I ever give chances. He knows death is hovering over him yet he's acting like such a fool. He doesn't have the decency to leave this world with respect.

I've done this hundreds of times, it's my favourite ways to take a life. I've mastered the use of a machete; I know how to separate the head from the body with one clean slice.

Watching the life leave a man's eyes is what gives me the temporary high I need in life.

Just as I my blade slices through this son of a bitch's neck, I hear Inaya's voice screeching so loud that my ears sting for a second.

I stare at the door, which is now wide open with her panting inside the room. She watches as the head rolls over close to her and jumps so far back so quick that I barely caught it with my eyes.

She heaves over to throw up all over the floor, which is a pretty normal reaction for someone who's never seen this.

"What in actual fuck are you doing here?" I yell at her in annoyance and anger.

Her eyes meet mine and the look of sheer horror in her eyes almost takes me back. She doesn't have that look of graceful glimmer in her eyes that she always had, she's looking at me differently than she usually does and that bothers me. She's looking at me as if I'm a thing.

Before I could do anything, she bolts out of the room.

• • •

After pacing back and forth with a few drinks in my system, I decide to check if she's killed her self or not.

When I turn the door knob, it's locked.

I laugh to myself, does she expect me to not have keys to unlock doors at my own house?

I pull out the set of keys from my pocket to open the door and find her staring at herself in the mirror, like a broken doll.

Something in my chest pulls, only further annoying me. But I do something expected, even to me.

I softly place my hands on the sides of her face, and the look of repulse she had in her eyes instantly melted into confusion.

The disappearance of that look in her eyes ignites a different kind of feeling within me, something I haven't felt.

Alcohol doesn't impact my conscious anymore. I've trained myself to be able to stay fully aware even after, what most would consider, heavy drinking. I would have to continuously drink hard liquor for hours before it even makes a dent in my system.

Yet, I'm blaming my sudden acts on one glass of alcohol.

Suddenly. I hold her in my arms, to see what it might be like to be normal, just for a moment. Her soft figure only makes me want to hold her longer. All of these thoughts are extremely confusing, even to me.

I don't know what the fuck is going on.

But the moment I ask her where she went the other day, the beast in me breaks out again. Anger boiled deep in my system when I hear her answer, it boils as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and I know it's too much for me to handle. The pressure of this raging sea of anger would force me to say things, do things.

She never fucking listens. She'll learn after being punished. I'll make her life excruciatingly hard the more trouble she causes.

I grab her and march us towards my room. I'll show her tonight, the unforgiving ways of Dominic Belcastro.

- - -

A/N: homeboy can't handle his own feelings lol whatta gangster 💀

Next Update: Tuesday, October 22, 2019.

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