Chapter 1

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Valentine's Day.

To many people out there, this is an adorable, romantic and special day to express how much they love each other. To me, it's a day where couples want to show off that they have someone to spend this 'beautiful' day with.

Why should there be a particular day to express love for one another? Shouldn't that be done every single day if you love that person?

I bet 81.2% of the girls simply want gifts and an extraordinary day where they get the opportunity to empty the guy's wallet with a 'valid reason.'

For the guys, however, this is a day to get the opportunity to take things to another level physically.

I frankly couldn't care less about this day.

Sadly, my best friend, Kyla, and every freaking person surrounding me seem to care about it way too much.

My school's student council committee has considered this day as another day to be able to raise funds for the school. They're organizing a Valentine's Dance and selling roses and cards; they're even ready to deliver these cards and roses anonymously for cowardly people.

Ranting to myself about Valentine's Day, I grumpily walked into the girl's bathroom and stared at my tired reflection. I needed sleep.

Kyla decided to call me at 12am and tell me what Derrick, her boyfriend, did for her and gifted her. She spent twenty minutes talking about how romantic and sweet he was. Twenty minutes later, when I couldn't take it anymore, I hung up on her and switched my phone off.

I'm positive she's going to be whining this morning to me about how rude I am. Honestly, that's what you get when you ruin my sleep. My sleep is way too precious.

I splashed water on my face and wiped my face. Walking out of the bathroom, I made my way to my locker. The hallway was decorated in pink, red and white with random balloons and streamers along with posters about the Dance almost every ten steps I took.

As I neared my locker, I saw Kyla standing with Derrick next to it. I'm quite surprised to see them talking for once rather than exchanging saliva.

I don't mind Derrick. In fact, he's a really nice guy but I feel that he behaved like Kyla's pet. He was like a love sick puppy who followed her everywhere and obeyed all her commands.

"Hi," I murmured.

"Hey!" Kyla said a bit too brightly.

She was holding a red rose, which I assume was given to her by Derrick.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Derrick told me.

I gave him a tight smile and mumbled to myself, "What's so happy about it?"

Either he ignored me or didn't hear me because he turned to Kyla and said, "I'll see you in break."

She nodded and leaned forward to kiss him. I pulled some books out of my locker while Derrick said a quick bye to me and walked away.

"Do you think I should get him something?" she asked. "Maybe dedicate a rose to him?"

I lifted one shoulder lazily. "Up to you," I said.

"I think I'll get him a rose," she decided, nodding. "Come with me?"

"Fine," I said.

We walked to the end of the hallway where the table for Valentine Dedications was placed. They had sappy, romantic cards and different colors of roses; the usual.

Kyla chose a card with red hearts all over it and wrote something in it before handing it back to the people collecting the cards and roses to be delivered in the last period.

The Valentine's NoteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang