Chapter 3: Memories of My Story

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I smile and take a deep breath gathering my books for my next class. Lunch just ended and I could help but think I was finally get over some of my past. I was finally able to laugh and smile without it hurting. I was finally able to be okay. Nothing else bad was happening.

"Ashley ready to go?" Katelyn asks closing her locker right next to me.

"Ughh, I don't want to go to class." I laugh closing my locker as well and walking with her.

"It's our last class of the day, we can get through it. We've been through this class like 15 times already."

"And I'm already over it. History's boring. And we only have a couple friends in this class. I hate school. It's just another normal day. Nothing different." I laugh.

"Don't we all think that." She smiles and we walk up the stairs to our class. The cool air welcomes us and we walk to the back where our seats are.

"You guys take forever." Our friend Caitlin says, we smile.

"We we're doing that on purpose." She laughs and we sit down right as the bell rings but we continue talking as does the rest of the class.

I take a look at the white board, which has our entire schedule.

CNN 10
Partner work (I pair)
-continued with partner

"Of course, we don't get to pick our groups." I say annoyed.

"What?" Katelyn asks.

"The board." Both Katelyn and Caitlin look over.

"This is stupid." They say in sync and I laugh.

"Nothing we can do."

Class continues how it always does. We didn't pay much attention to the videos, whispering through out the whole thing about katelyns crush who she had just told the day before that she liked him. I couldn't say the same. Last time I liked a guy, I had been completely heart broken. Of course it was by my best friend, the guy I thought could never hurt me, but he hurt me in ways I couldn't imagine. I wanted to be done with boys, because of how bad he hurt me but I knew it wouldn't happen. I would be hurt again. It just couldn't be now. I wouldn't let it.

I could tell all my friends were scared for me, they saw how much I was hurt, they didn't want that again. I had changed, in both a good and bad way. I just wasn't the same, I was guarded, because now that I knew even the people you could trust with your life, that the people you cared most for could hurt you, broke me in a million ways.

My parents told me they were splitting last week. In a way, I wasn't shocked at all, but I also never thought it would happen. I wanted to act okay, but I wasn't. Between josh- my best friend that was no longer in my life and my family I didn't know what to do. Everything was happening to fast.

"Okay so everyone has gotten a label with a president on it correct." Our teacher announces and I'm brought out of my thoughts. I see Abraham Lincoln labeled on my tag. Thank god I know a lot about him. This should be easy.

"Well, I wish you luck whoever your with." Katelyn laughs turning to me.

"I just want to be with you." I say annoyed. "I don't really know anyone in this class besides this side." I look around at my friends in the two rows next to me. There were 6 people I knew in this class and 23 people I didn't know. What could go wrong.

She begins naming names, soon all of my friends have partners and I know I'm going to get someone I don't like.

"Ashley and Adam." My brows furrow together.

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