New Baby

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It's been two days since all reunion. Everyone was happy with especially Lakshmi she is very happy to see all the mansion filled with people and laughter.

Right now brahmi uncle is dressing the injury of head and the whole family is hell worried about her seeing the big line on her forehead especially narayana and raghu. They are hell bent on taking care of her because of her weak body all are making her eat fruits and nutrients food. Practically they are pampering her with Sakshi only difference is she is not pregnant.

"Dad and uncle!! It's small injury there is nothing to worry and today they are going to take bandage away." She said trying to convince them.

"No, you have this big head bandage. How can you say that you are not injured??"

"Fine, baba!! I will listen to you. But let him do the treatment though." she was seated in living room couch with her dad and uncle one side and surrounded by all family members. Brahmi on other side trying to do treatment which was constantly inturpted by family members.

When again brahmi was about to put dettol on wound.

"Stop!!" again inturpted by narayana said.

"Dad, If you inturpted again I will pour all dettol on it and don't blame me about my pain on my head." This made him shut his mouth because he can't see his daughter in pain. Again brahmi tried to do tap the cotton on forehead key word tried.

"Stop!!" this time it is Sakshi, when all looked up to her. She just giggled "I just like the scene and wanted to do this again. It's fun you know and don't blame me about it, it's my hormones!!"

"Di, please let him do treatment. And uncle why are you stopping like a village bus which stop at every stop. If you stop next time I will do it myself." she said sternly.

This time without any interruptions brahmi dressed the wound after applying cream, he put a small bandage not big cotton one.

After her wound, rithick was sitted to dressing his wound but this time all went to their works  leaving him with her.

She started laughing at him because of his situation. He practically crying because of care he was getting from family. "You should stop laughing I get the fact that my whole family loves my wife not me." he whispered last word.

She slapped his head "hey!!" he groaned before rubbing his head.

"Idoit, what if someone hear you. You should stop talking about that!!" she whispered.

He looked around to find nobody in there all are in there own world he pulled her to hallway behind the stairs which was usually not used and abonded.

He pushed her to wall caging her in his arms "But baby we can't change the fact that we are married and also the first night is still not over!!" he said kissing her neck making her breathless.

"Ahh.. Rithick!!Stop it if someone see us. We will be in trouble!!" she tried to say but only whisper came out but she managed to push his face away.

"I don't care and nobody will see us." he said comming near her face before he can do anything she escaped from his grip and started taking breaths.

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